Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: The X-Man's got a new 'do - and it sure ain't pretty

Sunday, January 11, 2009

PHOTO OP: The X-Man's got a new 'do - and it sure ain't pretty

Remember Xavier Malisse?

The Belgian has been traveling between the ATP World Tour and Challenger circuit ever since injuring his wrist in 2007. He currently sits at No.185 in the rankings but was as high as No.19 back in 2002.

Anyway, The X-Man was spotted at the Sydney qualifiers today working one of the hairiest situations I've seen in a while. WTF?!

He did so well moving away from that spindly ponytail to a more cleaned up, albeit spikey, look. I just don't get it and I definitely don't get the skinny headband.

Maybe it's bothering me because The X Man's making me nostalgic for another baller (and not doing her justice I might add):

Yeah - definitely one of Marty's classic looks. Nice win too.

(images via Getty, ViewImages)


  1. Oh. Em. Gee.

    The headband looks like something my grandma likes to wear. AT HOME. Even she won't go out of the house with THAT. Well, okay, to give her credit, she's a fab woman.

    Although to be honest, when I saw the picture, I was more interested in the more interesting trail of hair a little bit more south.

  2. Funny,but i wear those since back the end 90's to play futbol (soccer)Since Batistuta started using them I did when i had semi-long hair.
    Now to play tennis I use caps or bandanas, but ooooonnnce in awhile still use them..

    Babz..guess that makes me a granpa : )

  3. Omg Batistuta!! Been a long time since I heard that. I *loved* him. Now? Messi ;) Aww uvijek, I'd never call you a grandpa.

    Okay I suppose that wiry kind of headband is very comfy to use. I mean what other choice did he have? Maybe he didn't like the way a headband feels on his head.. I don't know. It does look weird though. I say cut the hair! Anyone thinks he looks like Ryan Reynolds?

  4. No offense, but men with headbands creep me out a bit. LOL

    "Anyone thinks he looks like Ryan Reynolds?"

    Totes! Especially with the short hair!

  5. I was getting a Lindsay Davenport vibe from that photo.

  6. babz: LOL grandma - yeah treasure trails are always intriguing. let's hope it's worth it - never a guarantee. ryan reynolds! maybe in the face but what about the body? RR has a sick bod - lucky ScarJo.

    uvijek: i think we need proof. i've seen guys where them well when their hair is a bit wavier. but still proof it up.

    sonja: on you or on anyone???

    anon: nice - yes she busted out this look too!!!

  7. Rich: What do you mean by "on me"? The men or the headbands? LOL

  8. sonja: both on both. at the same time. together. all on you.

  9. LMAO at the Lindsay Davenport comment!!

    BTW, I'm not convinced that's so much a treasure trail as it is just a furry belly :(

  10. Hahaha, Rich - that I think I might like!
    If Rafa, Nole and Russell Crowe (don't ask) are the men wearing the headbands, that is. :P

    PS: I just imagined Nole with a headband. Ouch. I take that back and trade him for Curls Gulbis.

  11. its all Messi!! hahaha...I believe the same,"if you have the hair too long...cut it!!"

    Rich-Maybe in one of the tournaments I get some pics taken,but on those tournaments, they always do it when the sun its shinning at 11 am in the top of you (which i hate) so I'm with Cap and now even lately im more with the Tipsarevic-Clement look. : )

  12. sonja: russell crowe - only in gladiator

    *imagines rafa in gladiator gear, faints*

    uvijek: i wanna see - pleasssse! looking like tipsy/clement is not such a bad thing and i even like the tattoos on tipsy. clement loves to wear color which i love also.

    johanne: CURLBIS!!!! LOVE!!!!

  13. *imagines rafa in gladiator gear, faints*

    OH SWEET LORD. *faints more*

    Curlbis me lovey, jo!! :-)



    stop killing me, guys, srsly.

    I would like to see the proof too, uvijek. ;)

  15. HA HA you guys are great. Seems Ernests has a new name!! :)

    BTW Rich: Tipsy's tattoos are UBER SEXY, IMO. Dang!

  16. hahaha...later I promise, will see in the next tournament if my lady doesnt get too nervous to see me and takes some pics : )

  17. johanne: Curlbis it is! I must call you out next time we speak about his lovely locks.

    babz/sonja: or, how about Rafa in the outfits from '300'. discussssss.

    uvijek: i'll show you mine if you show me yours. ok i'll stop before your lady reaches through DtL and chokes me silly.

  18. O


    Ok. Ok. I have to stop or die of hyperventilation. Jesus, I watched that movie twice in the cinema, then downloaded it and watched twice more and each time had a drinking game with my bff. Everytime Xerxes says "kneel before me", take a shot. Everytime there's a thigh close up, take a shot. Everytime someone loses a limb, take a shot. We were pissed drunk by the 26th minute. Chivas is mah frrrrrrrriend.

    *thinks of Rafa in leather speedo*

  19. I could so imagine Rafa going all wild and animal and fighting and sweaty and dirty and.....


    Plus, I'm totally like IN LOVE with Gerry Butler. o_O

    And babz: long lost sister? LOL

  20. Sonja, I would share Rafa with you, but... sadly Gerry is my ONE AND ONLY.



    If you love Adrien Brody too, then yes, we might just be long lost sisters, LOL!

  21. *wonders if he's babz + sonja's long lost gay brother*

    Okay here's one for you: Did anyone watch the Golden Globes when Zachary Quinto (Heroes) + Chris Pine from the new Star Trek movie presented together?

    I think I'd want to watch them do ANYTHING together

    *grabs nanny cam, heads for LA*

  22. Dude, I'd totally love to have a gay brother. My childhood would've been MUCH more fun.

    I've been lusting over Sylar for yeaaaaaaaaaaaaars. I think it's the eyebrows. Hm... men are pretty.

    What about.. James MacAvoy? Daniel Craig? I just watched the last Bond and he. is. HAWT.

  23. Babz: I think I prefer Sylar in his glasses/geeky look - hot nerds make me crazy. His eyebrows are intense and so is that nose...oy.

    James is so dashing and Daniel is sexy even though I'm not really drawn to blondes.

    But we all know you love you some pasty skin!

  24. Goodness. You really ARE my long lost gay bro. I'm not usually attracted to blondes either. I mean Brad Pitt? Who?

    Did you watch Atonement? Omg I about fell in love 30 times over James just from that movie.

    If you mean Andy Murray, Adrien Brody.. I guess I like pasty skin. 0_0

  25. Then I'd have to go for "else" babz, I'm sorry. LOL
    He's just so damn purrrrrfect. Just recently I saw him in "Dear Frankie". Oy.

    And don't get me started on my dirty "Phantom of the opera" fantasies... o_O

    Daniel Craig I like, too. My other Fave Hunks are: Colin Farrell, Bode Miller (US skier), Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor, anyone?), Diego Luna, Johnny Depp, ... ah, the list is endless.

    And Rich I'd LOVE to have a gay brother, too! Finally someone well-dressed and dapper to go out with, having great fun and scaring off creepy guys whilst talking about yummy guys and fashion. LOL

  26. Oh, I forgot some on my list: James Franco, Tobey Maguire, Tom Cruise (before he got all alien-religion-creepy, like, in Top Gun), Patrick Swayze (back in the 80's), Ryan Philippe, Justin Timberlake (after NSYNC, that is).

    I love the curly ones and also the hot geeks! Man, I'm weird. LOOOL


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