Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Murray getting some support in Melbourne - but why?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

PHOTO OP: Murray getting some support in Melbourne - but why?

A shirted Andy Murray was spotted on the Melbourne Park practice courts again today working a suspicious looking tape job on his right knee.

Uh-oh. Could the bookies' fave (and one of mine) to take the Aussie Open crown in a fortnight be dealing with an unfortunate injury or is this just a preventative job?

Stay tuned...

(image via Getty)


  1. The white wrap under the knee is to help ease tendonitis (inflammation of tendons due to overuse). Murray already played too many matches in two weeks, at full-speed even the first tourney that was an exo.

    The blue taping is to support his inborn split kneecap, that gives him trouble when overused.

    Basically, these are the signs he overdid it.

  2. Damn!!! That's the thing about being a top player: you have to learn to prioritize and not overexert yourself especially right before a slam.


  3. *takes a deep breath*

    it's totally preventative...preventative...yes, that.

  4. The tape makes his knee looked like the squooshed up face of an old man! Poor Andy! I hope it's not serious. I'd really like to see him play Rafa.

  5. Hey Rich, the tape is gone in today's practice photos.


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