Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Rafa + Fed practice their rivalry at Melbourne Park

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: Rafa + Fed practice their rivalry at Melbourne Park

Some of you (yes YOU) have been curious to see images or video of Rafael Nadal + Roger Federer getting their practice on together at Melbourne Park. Well, look no further!

Now, it's a super short video, the quality is a bit grainy, and the shots linger a little too long on each of them individually (we know what they look like, really.)

But beggers can't be choosers I suppose.



  1. Awww look at 'em practicing together.

    Plus you can't complain it's Sleeveless Rafa in motion. BONUS!

  2. Yeah, that was the video I had seen. Sorry I forgot to post a link with my last comment and made you look for it! I swear I meant to add it...

  3. Rich,
    A friend of mine, whose now deceased, used to say, "Beggars can't be choosy." Nice to see (almost) that quote from you! It made me smile and think of her.

    I think the commentary was probably about when the naked doubles takes place on pay-per-view, doncha think? ;)

  4. Mmmmmhhhhmmmm naked doubles with RAFED. :P


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