Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Rafa + Iker promote the hell out of their charity event

Friday, December 12, 2008

VIDEO VAULT: Rafa + Iker promote the hell out of their charity event

Thanks to DtL reader meri for the tipping me off to the latest on Rafael Nadal!

Here's a special treat for all the RAFANATICS out there: After yesterday's teaser, here's a series of videos featuring the Mallorcan Matador and Iker Casillas promoting next week's "Friends of Iker vs. Friends of Rafa" Part Deux.

Happy Friday!



  1. I used to live and work in malarial areas of Africa, so it does my heart good to see these two putting their hottness toward such a worthy cause.

  2. Damn! Break me off a piece of that...

  3. YAY more Rafa news!! I love that he's not afraid to wear hot pink..... and that shelf is out of control. Dang.

    Te quiero Rafa... te quiero....

  4. anon: yes it's great work and very nice to see from someone could be traveling the world on romantic vacations posing for pictures and such


    johanne: speaking of shelf, it's in its full glory at the beginning of the last video - my eyes were immediately drawn there. it's hypnotic and has a powerful magnetic pull. beware!

  5. Defibrillators, please.

  6. Last year edition of the event produced a tangible result: tens of thousands of mosquito nets purchased for the Spanish Red Cross and a malaria clinic in Mali built. Good boys.

    That being said, this is one mighty fine pair of hunky & cute men!

    Particular pleasure: that extreme close-up of their faces in the third clip. Yowza!


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