Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Days 3 + 4 of Team Murray's off-season training intensive, Ross on full display

Monday, December 8, 2008

PHOTO OP: Days 3 + 4 of Team Murray's off-season training intensive, Ross on full display

Andy Murray
continued his off-season training intensive this weekend in Miami with Strength and Conditioning coach Jez Green and doubles specialist Ross Hutchins. Here's a rundown:


The day began track work at Tropical Park in 80 degree heat - 12 x 200 metre sprints in under 32 seconds, with just one minute to recover in between.

The day was topped off by an on-court session focusing on movement followed by a light hit.

You know how every group of friends has the "hot one"? I'm thinking Ross fits the bill (though Dani Vallverdu is right there too) - the face, the tan, the ridiculously sexy body (hello abs). No offense Andy, just being honest!

Here's a breakdown of Day 3:

Calorific intake: 5, 800

Track: 12 x 200 metres (32 seconds on, 60 seconds off)

Tennis specific movement work

Tennis: 45 minutes

Sun tanning: Continuous


Today Team Murray hit famous South Beach for a 5 mile run in the sand. If you've ever run in the sand then you know how tough this exercise can be, especially in South Florida heat.

The ran for about 45 mins, made a quick Starbucks stop, then concluded the day with a light hit and some lower body work.

Day 4 breakdown:

Calorific intake: 5,800 calories

Running: 5 miles on South Beach

Tennis: 2 hours, University of Miami

Gym: Lower body weights, 1.5 hrs

Sun tanning: Still working on it...

(images via


  1. hey so "continuous" sun-tanning continues to ignore murray huh :P

  2. Yes, I believe the tanning work will be as much a focus this off-season as his on-court + fitness least it should be. but i'm just an observer (and blogger of course)!

  3. Wow, I'm blinded. LOL

  4. sonja: i don't think the sun likes him or he's allergic...just sayin'

  5. Everytime I see topless pics of Murray, "Whiter Shade of Pale" plays in my head. But, that other dude is HOT! Thanks for his pics!

  6. Looks like Murray is fixing to kick some major ass next season. That boy is working HARD. Hope everyone else will be ready!!

  7. Rich: I wouldn't like him either if I were the sun. I'd be so afraid of roasting him. You know, like a lobster...

    That Ross guy is indeed HOTT!

  8. God, such bitchy comments. I think Andy looks great. Some people just don't tan, so what, they should spend hours in the sun burning themselves and picking up skin cancer as well?

    I quite like the pale look, and I wonder how many of you keyboard haters look half as good as Andy with your shirt off?


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