Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Does Argentina house the hairiest of situations? You be the judge.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PHOTO OP: Does Argentina house the hairiest of situations? You be the judge.

Thanks to an anonymous DtL reader for tipping me off to more hairy Argentinean situations.

We all know Jose Acasuso the repeat offender - he's worked everything from a mullet and a raccoon tail and now he's got something perm-ilicious going on. Clearly he doesn't care that his hair is seriously offensive. Boo-hoo to you then, Jose.

And of course Juan Martin del Potro, who had solved his hairy situation not too long ago, has fallen off the wagon once again.

But who knew Augustin Calleri would follow his compatriots' lead and bust out nasty helmet hair?

Oh boy. It seems Argentina is on a slippery slope to hairy hell. Is it something in the water down there?? If so, it's contagious.

I'm canceling my trip to Buenos Aires stat. And you should too - your hair will thank you.

(image courteys of Mauro V. Rizzi via lanacion)


  1. There can be something oddly appealing about a cute guy who cares not a whit about how he looks. I think Chucho has an adorable face- but he can't be bothered to try to look good.

    Too bad Monaco is not on the team right now. He often has awesome hair.

  2. HA HA HA HA! I love these posts. For me, the helmet hair is worse. There's absolutely NOTHING he can do with that. Ick.

  3. See? If they would have kept Canas on the team, we would have some mighty fine hair to drool over. Blast.

  4. Hi guys,
    It's very common in Argentina to have long hair... I don't really like Chucho's hair but Calleri's is ok if you see the picture from the press conference...
    In that picture from La Nacion it was kind of wind so that maybe it's why the hair looks like that...
    But Chucho really needs some help :s

  5. I love all kinds of hair: long, short, medium length, curly, straight, mohawk, faux-hawk.

    It's really all about keeping it together and cleaned up. These ballers look like they have get-up-and-go hair, like they literally just rolled out of bed.

    I realize they probably have more important things to think about, but they should add "good grooming" to that list...PLEASE (or maybe not since I clearly love writing about it)!!!

  6. I'll keep checking the local newspapers to see whether I can find more hairy situations, Rich. I think Nalbandian is the worst offender with that mullet! I don't even dare to post a link to that!

  7. OMG Jose gets out of control here!!! Can Shrieka please borrow him her stylist??

    And the helmet hair is... undescribable.

    Reminds me of this:


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