Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) VIDEO VAULT: Roger Federer + Rafael Nadal get giggly with it

Thursday, August 19, 2010

(UPDATED) VIDEO VAULT: Roger Federer + Rafael Nadal get giggly with it

Apparently Roger Federer is aiming to be the ATP World Tour's ultimate video vixen (find a new gig Nole) after recent wins including his Wilson blooper spot and the is-it-real-or-is-it-CGI Gillette wonderment (but really, who cares? And if you do, you're clearly bored.)

But he ups the ante with this giggle-fest but this time he's not alone: Rafael Nadal joins in the hilarity, which seems to be for a Zurich exo benefiting Fed's foundation featuring the two ballers.

Seriously if this video doesn't make you crack even a slight smile you may not be human. You might wanna check.

UPDATE: Here's a link to the video. 


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  1. OMG Richie!!
    I never watch vids that are over a few minutes because I never have the time. I just stayed glued for the entirety! That was way too funny. I love how they both broke out into cold sweats. Thank you so much!
    Now I'm late! ;)

  2. Yeah they're some sweaty boys. And just the way I like 'em.

  3. Hilarious they just couldn't stop laughing.

    Heartwarming to see two great rivals getting along well.

  4. "And just the way I like 'em."

    *starts petition to get Official Sweat Lickers on court at USO*

  5. How does "England and Wales Cricket Board" get a copyright on them?

  6. Anybody has the video or the link to it? it's off Youtube.


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