Google Down the Line!: El Toro De Rafa launches to fulfill your deepest Rafantasies - are you game?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

El Toro De Rafa launches to fulfill your deepest Rafantasies - are you game?

I wanted to give a special shout-out today to avid DtL! reader and supreme Rafanatic Babz, who just launched El Toro De Rafa, a tennis blog dedicated to all of Rafa's best ass-ets or as the tagline reads "Enabling Lusty Thoughts of Rafanatics Everywhere". I guess that's more to the point.

Anyway, I'm really excited to have another Rafasource out there - especially one with the kind of cunning wit Babz possesses.

Make sure to check it out y'all.

And to Babz: Ready? Play!

(image via


  1. Aw, so sweet you're promoting El Toro, Rich!

    And yay for my new source of Rafantasies (love that word!).

    You rock babz!!

  2. Awesome - thanks for posting this because Rafa is my favorite!

  3. sonja, anon 8:11 - it's my pleasure. the more the merrier i say!

  4. Ditto on "Rafantasies"'re a genius, Rich!

    Big thanks to Babz. Seems there's more than a few of us who can't get enough of that sexy Spaniard!!

  5. Babe, you are putting a lot on my shoulders. I hope I can deliver!

    Thanks for all the support, guys, I really, really appreciate it.

    You know you love him,

    (it DOES go with anything)

  6. oh i don't know about this one...


  7. babz: no pressure at all - do whatever you can. i'm here to help too!

  8. Rich you are so kind. I'm just worried about how to find sources LOL.

    UGH. My blog is like, one blog out of MILLIONS of ones devoted to Rafa. I must be crazy!

  9. Oh, and Sonja - totally stole the El Toro name from you! If I get the blog going, I promise some kind of royalty LOL.

  10. LOL that is not a problem, hun. We're all one big RAFAMILY. Hehe.

  11. sonja: OMG his name really does go with everything. *stares out in disbelief*

  12. sonja: RAFAMILY! You guys are great...


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