Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) SIGHTING: Nole gets golfy

Monday, August 3, 2009

(UPDATED) SIGHTING: Nole gets golfy

Novak Djokovic took to the green as a guest at the opening of Kempinski Golf Adriatica in Savudrija, an 18-hole course near Umag, Croatia.

LOVE the golfing outfit Nole but your shiny, hairless legs are weirding me out. I know, you're an athlete, blah, blah, blah. It still weirds me out. I wonder how Jelena Ristic feels rubbing up against them?

Wait, forget I asked. TMI.

See more images below + here. Thanks djangoo!

"He knows what girls want...he knows what girls like...d-da-d-da-da...d-da-d-da-da..." (via

Q: Do you feel powerful? Do you think you are in position you can do some things that other people cannot?

‘Every man wants to be powerful and successful. I think women like such men only. The feeling you have after you win a tournament, there is nothing to be compared with it’.

(via Great Tennis Photos, images via 24sata)


  1. I hate it when people wear tennis shoes on golf courses. That's a pet peeve of mine.

    Rich, I'm sure one day you'll be able to tell us yourself how it feel to rub up against Nole's legs.

  2. hhmm i'm sure nole's legs have hair on em i remembere when he had the trainer on during some match and they zoomed in on his luscious legs(i was in heaven) i swear i sore hairs they're not dark for some weird reason...
    anhyoo nole is the sex love him :P and he's rockin them stunna shades

  3. Agreed with Anon: Nole's legs definitely used to have hair on them... I hope the shiny look is just a weird light thing because I liked that sexy manly hair.

    Not that I'm obsessed or anything. Honest.

  4. MM: HA - I don't kiss and tell. Well, not always.

    derangedsoviet: Of course you're not obsessed. Who said anything about obsessed? Just a strong likey, I know. *wink*

  5. Rich: Exactly! So when the police come looking for, uh, stalkers, for example... Just tell them its only a strong likey!

    And the update: *faints at Nole's feet* yes Nole I likey like that! He knows exactly what I want

  6. Photos are awesome! And he's so goodlooking on them! =] I agree with u about golf outfit (sooo tasty), but what about shiny, hairless legs?! Maybe I'm wrong but I see enough hairs on his legs! XD Nole rocks! =]
    btw... u really make me laugh with some of your comments, ofc in positive way (this kind of humor is very rare on some other tennis blog sites)! Stay ql! ;]


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