Google Down the Line!: FB Update: Fed talks babies

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

FB Update: Fed talks babies

Mirka, Myla and Charlene are all doing really well. The baby girls are doing new things every day and are a lot of fun. Hopefully, before the end of this week, I will charge my camera and have my Dad or someone take some pictures so I can share one with you. Thanks for the support and warm wishes.

Yes Fed - pics please!

(via RF facebook page)


  1. ... and have Dad or someone take some pictures....

    Hysterical! He makes it sound as if nobody has thought to take any pics yet. I can assure you that those grandparents have taken a bizzillion pics already. Roger, you are too cute!

  2. It seems like he is just enjoying the time with his girls. As someone who has children, I can understand how much he wants to take the time to get to know his girls. I am sure the whole family must be esctatic over those little girls.

  3. NO one in his inner circle except him has a camera?? Come on...
    I agree with Anonymous... I bet the grandparents have taken a bizzillion pics already. WHERE'S THE PICS ROGER???

  4. Maybe he means that by the end of the week they will have staged a super RF-style photoshoot to show the world how much better they are than us. Who knows, maybe, lol.

    I'd like to be adopted by Roger.

  5. Aw, they sound cute from his description! I wonder if either or both look like Roger or whether they favour Mirka? Hurry up and charge the camera (!) so we can find out!

  6. Awww Roger, thanks for being so open about your girls.Ill bet if it's someone else, they will sell the pictures of their sibling/s to the highest bidder!Thank God that you are the nos 1.You really are the peoples champion!Take as much time as you all want with the girls and pictures or no pictures I am content that you have let it known to us that you are willing to share them with your true fans and supporters!Long Live King Roger!

  7. Myla and Charlene? You mean Mango and Rhubarb?


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