Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: More Shrieka practicing at Nick Bollettieri's, comeback in full force

Thursday, February 19, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: More Shrieka practicing at Nick Bollettieri's, comeback in full force

Maria Sharapova, or her publicists, want to make sure we know she's taking her comeback very seriously.

After being filmed on Valentine's Day hitting actual tennis balls at Nick Bollettieri's, the Russian glamazon was spotted again at the Academy getting in more practice. She's even seen hitting a few slices in a row - crazy!

It's always good to add some new wrinkles to the game Shrieka.

(via Maria Sharapova Blog)


  1. The calm before the storm!!! I love the fact that we can hear her grunting which means that she is really putting a great deal of effort into these sessions. Publicity stunt or not its great to see her back training with our own eyes. I cant wait to see her back on court working a fierce new outfit.

  2. True enough Sarah - I can't wait to have her back though no expectations in terms of results.

    It'll def take her a while to get even close to where she'll be great just to have her competitiveness and fight out there.

  3. That compedetiveness and fight is going to be needed more than ever because as you said she will no doubt be rusty. I really dont know what to expect in terms of her performance, Im sort of hoping it will all just fall back into place rather quickly but Im under no illusions that it will happen that easily for her.


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