Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) VIDEO VAULT: JJ shoots promo for BJK Cup, right side still MIA

Thursday, February 19, 2009

(UPDATED) VIDEO VAULT: JJ shoots promo for BJK Cup, right side still MIA

Jelena Jankovic is featured in a fun HBO promo for next month's PNB Paribas Billie Jean King Cup exo taking place at Madison Square Garden in New York. The spot takes places at the fictional Dave Hill Tennis Academy and showcases JJ being JJ: cheeky remarks, lots o' laughs, and a demo of her flexibility (read: the splits).

But imagine my shock + awe (and a few other words) to see the segment shot entirely from the Serb's LEFT SIDE! WTF?! It seems she can't even turn to look at Dave who's seated on her left side at the beginning of the video.

I'm seriously starting to wonder if her right side even exists. If somebody finds it, please contact her agent (and me.)


UPDATE: Here's another promo featuring JJ as well as Venus + Serena. But question: where in the world is Ana?

UPDATE #2: Thanks to anonymous reader for this news on the MIA fourth baller (no, not JJ's missing right side *drats*). I don't know if this info is true, but it sounds feasible. We'll see!

the videos were shot early december last year. vee, serena and jj were all in the US (jj is still wearing her reebok dress) then while ana was enjoying her off-season with now ex-bf fernando in spain (and she's the only one among the four who's based in europe). hbo flew to serbia during the fed cup to film ana in the abandoned swimming pool where she used to train as a kid. boring compared to these comedic skits, yes, but this is probably the first time that she's going to be filmed there. i'm really curious how it's going to turn out...


  1. I swear your titles are the best.

    Okay I totally cannot blame her. If it was me, it would've been shot entirely from the right side. ;)

  2. Thanks B! I'm with you - I prefer my right side...oh and my back side even though it's not even close to Rafalevel. I can't complain (and Kalil bettah not.)

  3. Before I clicked on the video, I thought that was BJK standing beside her. (Seriously) lol

    Bad Pamela, Bad Pamela!

  4. pamela: O...M...G! That is TOO funny!!!!!

  5. >>Before I clicked on the video, I thought that was BJK standing beside her.<<'s not? ;)

    I haven't even clicked on the link yet, and I thought it was her!

    I have no idea if I have a *good* side. ...Wait...did I mean to say that???

  6. nice vid! she'd much rather wear the yellow rbk dress she helped design instead of an ANTA dress. hmmm.... now what does that say about ANTA?

    oh and on a side note, i sooo wanna go! i live in jersey so it's little over an hour away from me, but i checked ticketmaster and the best available seat is courtside, for $1,000 + tax. O.M.G. i do not have that kinda money, and it's not worth paying minimum price and i won't be able to see them well. i wish there were some radio station giving away tickets to this ;_;

  7. I want the glitter to be out full force for the exhibition.

    And not just the hair. I'm talking FULL BODY GLITTER!!

    You hear me JJ?

  8. the videos were shot early december last year. vee, serena and jj were all in the US (jj is still wearing her reebok dress) then while ana was enjoying her off-season with now ex-bf fernando in spain (and she's the only one among the four who's based in europe). hbo flew to serbia during the fed cup to film ana in the abandoned swimming pool where she used to train as a kid. boring compared to these comedic skits, yes, but this is probably the first time that she's going to be filmed there. i'm really curious how it's going to turn out...


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