Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) PHOTO OP: JJ + Mladjan get cozy and cuddly for Hello! magazine

Thursday, February 12, 2009

(UPDATED) PHOTO OP: JJ + Mladjan get cozy and cuddly for Hello! magazine

A glammed up Jelena Jankovic, who entered a war-of-words with Roger Federer recently, took part in a photoshoot for the Serbian edition of Hello! magazine with her super sexy boy toy Mladjan Janovic. *swoons*

The pair are seemingly going strong and look great in this editorial. Can she BE any luckier?

Anyway, it's funny to see JJ getting photographed on her fave left side again. I mean, does she even have a right side? I have my guesses.

UPDATE: Here's the cover shot featuring the sexy Serbian couple (thanks HCFoo!). Guess which side of JJ was shot???

(image via Women Tennis Photos)


  1. She could use her boy toy's jaw for ironing.

  2. Gawd, he's hot! He looks funny, like uncomfortably awkward, in the second pic, tho, lol

    Rich, I never noticed that before, that she favored her left side.

  3. This is crazy. He looks so empty. But with a face and body like that, who cares?

  4. T.O. - his jaw could be a a VERY good way

    anon: HA! it's true. I've been noticing it for a while and hoping to see a right side show but, alas, nothing.

    babzebel - empty can be good..."Just lay there" I say (or have said).

  5. With some leather involved.. ties.. Uhm.

    Okay, I'm officially jealous of JJ. That man is hawt.

  6. i fully expect their porn up on you tube within the year.

    *makes more popcorn*

  7. I'm hoping more than expecting

    *self-spanks for thinking such thoughts*
    *dips into B2012's popcorn anyway*

  8. Why does she look like a man on the cover?

  9. "it's funny to see JJ getting photographed on her fave left side again. I mean, does she even have a right side"

    ROFL!!!!!!!! u are very funny!


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