Google Down the Line!: Get your own personalized, limited-edition Rafa, Rog + Andys

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Get your own personalized, limited-edition Rafa, Rog + Andys

Rafael Nadal

Illustrator/Artist Vietnam The Movie, based out of Stroud in Gloucestershire, has released these cool, limited-edition prints of some of the world's top baller boys.

Only 100 of these prints will be produced, cost 15.53 pounds each ($22.13), and are available in various finishes and sizes.

Click here to order.

Roger Federer

Andy Murray

Andy Roddick

(via Tennis Served Fresh; images via


  1. Murray looks like Mick Jagger.

  2. Fed's and Murray's ones r horrible, the best 1 is Roddick's.
    But still wot r they 4?

  3. Federer looks like an emo here. After the AO final it's not surprising though.

  4. Lovin' the A-rod print,think i'm gonna have to get 1 ...

  5. natch: nice call! if only i could get my mouth to open that wide

    anon 12:46 - they're prints an artist did of them and can be ordered in different sizes to be hung, put in a frame, etc. i love the concept and expressionism.

    T.O. - Roger FedEmo? Me likes.

    MaryS - get you some A-Rod girl!

  6. I dunno if it' the colors or what, but I'm actually liking Murray's one.

  7. Puhlease - you've always like Murray's "one"...

    *replays past babzebel commentary in head*

    see, it's true!

  8. Damn you and your elephant brain! >_<

    I like Murray's one.. and two.. and three.. what's the big deal? lol

  9. I'm sorry but I find all of them ugly.
    The prints, that is - not the guys. LOL

  10. The Murray one is so funny its quite cool... although it has no resemblence of him whatsoever.


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