Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Andy in training, practices new abdominal strengthening exercises

Monday, February 9, 2009

PHOTO OP: Andy in training, practices new abdominal strengthening exercises

Andy Murray is back to his training ways at the National Tennis Center in Roehampton.

The Brit baller is continuing to strengthen those sick abs of his before getting back to the ATP World Tour. He's practicing some oldies but goodies (like the Superman above) but also including some new ones courtesy of Strength & Conditioning Coach Matty "Treacle" Little.

In this exercise, Andy begins in a kneeling position with his arms resting on the ball in front. He slowly begins to straighten out his body until it's completely flat, engaging all the vital core muscles then rolls back for the next repetition:

Treacle continues to up the ante with this exercise. Andy begins completely horizontal on his back and, using his core muscles, begins lifting his lower body through 45 degress until he's completely vertical. Phew! *completely out of breath*

The last core strengthening practice begins with Andy horizontally on his side, bottom arm stretched out holding a dumb-bell. He slowly rolls the dumb-bell towards himself using his abdominals to lift his body to about 45 degrees then proceeds to roll back down slowly - ouch.

Okay these are some serious exercises but I can so appreciate his commitment to continuing the strength and fitness work.

(image via


  1. Yay! I do Superman, too! Wait...I didn't mean Rafa, I meant the position. Wait...I didn't mean THAT kind of position...
    *gives up trying to explain*

    That one on the bench, lifting most of your body with your core...MY. GOD.

    Andy needs to boost his immune system. I think that's what did him in down under.

  2. natch: "Yay! I do Superman, too! Wait...I didn't mean Rafa, I meant the position."

    did you mean "in that position"? *wonders aloud*

    anyway, interesting thought on his immunity. i think a lot of them, boys and ladies, may want to work on it. however, wasn't there a flu virus going around the locker rooms in Oz???

  3. ...and the Ginge Hotness strikes again.. at my heart, that is. No, not the one in my chest, a little bit more south.

    He is so hardworking. I'd like to feel all the muscles he's working on the pictures above.

  4. How many pictures are we going to get of this guy exercising? He should put out of fitness video.


  5. After reviewing these photos a few times, I feel as though I've had my workout for the day. thanks Andy, keep it up... :D

  6. Rich (mi amore),
    I think it was the flu, but still, a healthier immune system can lessen it's affects. I'm not saying Andy's (or anyone else's) isn't healthy. But he can do more to boost his, along with all the hard training he's doing.
    *adds Superman position to her repertoire*
    Oh...did I say that out loud? ;)

    Once Andy's hair is done, and he's down the the Caesar look, he's going to be hot. He's on his way there now, corpsiness and all.

    Aren't you the one who likes Fed? Don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy a Roger workout video on his website.
    I love watching top athletes workout. All that training is so impressive. Plus, the scantily clothed, hot, sweatyness of it all is...uhm...enjoyable. ;)

  7. natcharoon, he's already hot now, pasty, gangly, carrot-topped and curly haired.

    I know. It's so wrong but hormones baby, hormones!

  8. It's not wrong if it feels right.

  9. That's what I keep telling people, but then they call me names instead.

  10. babz: do tell! i could probably relate unfortunately...or is it fortunately???

  11. Rich, the world has no love for assertive women. I mean we all like Samantha, but when people meet her on real life? Imagine the hate!

  12. babzebel: true enough. the idea is much hotter than the reality, especially when it shows up at your door with whips and chains. not that i've EVER done that.

    lisa: i'd love to see andy do a straight up 80's aerobic video with neon, braided headbands, leg warmers and a unitard. he's have to blow out the hair though (we'll allow a hairy situation for this video ONLY.) imagine the hotness.

  13. *dies at the thought of TGH in 80's getup*

    *dies again*

    Rich, I believe you. Totally. No, really.

  14. *still laughing from the 80's video flashback*
    ...a unitard...BWHA!!!!
    Rich, you still have that Jane Fonda video, don't you? *laughs more*
    *rolls around floor, laughing*
    *looks for Rafa while she's rolling around on the floor*
    *looks out window for UPS man, while still rolling*

    The people calling you names are revealing their own issues. Pay them no heed. (This is something you will learn as you age.) I happen to heart Samantha very, very much. Carrie's the one I couldn't stand.

  15. will he be including the tune "Let's Get Physical" in this video? XD

  16. I do, I do - well maybe it's my "mom's" but I do, I do.

    Yes there has to be a soundtrack and "Let's Get Physical" or the other classic "I Want Muscles" - but then he'd have to be in a speedo only and all oiled up.

    Wait, is this Rafa's aerobic video we're discussing here??? No one mentioned jello so I wasn't sure.

  17. If it's an Andy video, I want to hear, "It's Raining Men," and see Ross showering. Andy can dance over or under, depending on the camera angle.

  18. !!!LMFFAO!!! about the 80's aerobic video... Andy's GOTTA do that!!

    And the video has to feature soft-focus-effect and pastel make-up. Ah, I'd love him to wear a braided headband. In pastel pink.

    BTW, those are HUGE balls he's playin' with there. ;P


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