Google Down the Line!: Fedophiles overwhelm - will they be reborn?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fedophiles overwhelm - will they be reborn?

Apparently Roger Federer's Aussie Open final loss and now infamous post-match moment has fired up the Fedophiles.

The 13-time Grand Slammer penned a new note to his fans via his website thanking them for their avalanche of support post-Oz:

Dear Fans

I would like to thank you for the overwhelming amount of messages and letters you sent me this past week. Losing the Australian Open final certainly hurt, but it is important to move on and focus on the challenges lying ahead. I feel fine and fit and am eager to get back on court. I have enjoyed a few days off, which was great, and will soon be training again.

Thank you once again for supporting me and giving me such a lot of positive input! A lot of you have noticed that my website was slow after the final Down Under. The reason for that was the enormous amount of traffic – more than we had ever experienced before. New hardware for the server has been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible so that you can enjoy without hassles in the future!

Kind regards

Uh-oh. Could it be possible that the loss and his subsequent pool of tears put fire in their belly and has given him and his fanbase new life?!

Rafanatics, you've been warned...

(image via Getty)


  1. Nah. Rafa's in Roger's head now. Fed still needs a sports psychologist.

  2. *puts on Louboutin boots*

    Bring it on, Feds.

    Ok seriously. I totally read that as "King Roger". O_o

  3. LOL Babz...

    The new hardware he should be ordering is in the form of a coach.

  4. b2012,
    how 'bout a new, hard coach? One we can all enjoy looking at when they show his box on tv? Let's say that guy coaching Dokic. I'd go for that.

  5. YES, natch, I'm with you on that. I would definitely tune in to more Fed matches then. And maybe they would swing the camera off of Mirka and her Crackberry for five minutes and show him cheering and flexing know...whatever... :D

  6. Yes. During his matches with Rafa, they cut to split screen. Rafa on one side, hot Dokic coach on the other. He'll be a close-up, so no Mirka, or Roger. Yes, yes. natch likey.

  7. Yes Borna Bikic gets my vote!!!

    *visualizes Borna arms hugging Mirka, she faints*

  8. LMAO at Rich's visualization!

  9. Uhh, do Roger Federer fans really call themselves "Fedophiles"? :-/

  10. I think it's sweet how Roger is showered with all that Feophile love (I gotta hand it to ya Jimmy, the term is kinda disturbing). And also the fact that he really appreciates it. That's exactly what he needs right now - a new confidence boost!

    Other than that, I'm all for a hot new coach for him. I'm thinking... Ross??
    I just don't wanna see any more close-ups of Mirka stuffing food into her mouth!

  11. Fedophile I meant.
    It's just... I can't even write it... LOL

  12. jimmy: some of them do not all there are other names like FedFans and few others

    sonja: HA! The day she eats her Crackberry will be a good day actually.

  13. Rich: BWHA! I can totally imagine her wandering over the table, buzzing - because she left vibra-call on. :D

  14. Just like there are Rafanatics, Rafaelites...


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