Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Can you guess the baller who's boiling up?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PHOTO OP: Can you guess the baller who's boiling up?

This baller tried to cool down from the heat of Dubai the best way he knew how: to shove an ice bag in his face.

Who is this mystery man? Hint: He's got nothing up his sleeve - it's magic!

(image via Getty)


  1. Easy.

    Fabrice Santoro.

  2. too easy! It's Fabrice!

  3. hehe, see Rich we know them all to well, and your help was really subtle!:) I love Fabrice, he's kinda hot!And he's my facebook friend, if it is him!now I just have to get Grigor on the list as well!

  4. Easy breezy for the die hards no doubt - i heart the pic!

  5. Santoro needs a life-time sponsorship deal with whatever company makes those ice bags. It's like his version of the Nike swoosh headband.

    Love him!


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