Google Down the Line!: The secret behind Rafa's golden Games - who wudda thunk it?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The secret behind Rafa's golden Games - who wudda thunk it?

Rafael Nadal is sittin' on top of the world. After grabbing the gold medal in Beijing and rising to world no. 1 this week, the Spaniard is THE baller of the moment.

But Rafa wasn't feeling so great about his chances at the Olympics after arriving in the Chinese capital "incredibly tired" after a summer beyond his imagination. So how did he find the motivation to make the golden run? According to Rafa,

The only reason I was able to win was the lift I got from living in the Olympic village. Being among many other great athletes was fantastic. And the support I got from the rest of the Spanish team was amazing.

Although they don't know it, it was thanks to them that I somehow found the energy and mental strength to get the gold medal. I would not have been able to manage this from a hotel, however luxurious it was. The feeling at the end on the podium was indescribable. I am very happy to have made it to Olympic champion.
So surrounding yourself with the energy from people striving for the same, ultimate goal is more motivating than holing up in some 18-star hotel by yourself? It's genius!

(image via Getty)


  1. Stop it. Please! Rafa you're too sweet my teeth are aching.

    I'm so jealous of his girlfriend. :'(

  2. Interesting, this is the the second or third time in the past two days where he has taken a major swipe against Federer, concerning hotels and clothes.

    Nadal and Nole have the same PR person, and you saw all the "great" PR work in Nole's camp. Do you really think those "popular" impressions in front of the crowd and tv cameras were off-the-cuff"?

    It's interesting, esp. after reading the New Yorker article-it's on-line, his PR is sounding more like Nole's did at the end of last year and the first half of this year. You know how that sunk like a lead balloon.

    Keep an eye out for this b/c Nadal has officially begun selling himself to the American public. As I wrote earlier the distinction is really being made in how each player is "branded."

    Nadal did spend part of his time in hotel with his personal team. Just part of the time.

  3. anon 12:48 - are you talking about the New York magazine article i wrote about yesterday? i was searching for a New Yorker piece but couldn't find it.

  4. Yes, my bad.
    The other article I mention from the Chi. Sun Times

  5. Aw, can he get any sweeter? Love how down to earth he is.


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