Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: All work and no play makes Maria a dull girl

Thursday, August 14, 2008

PHOTO OP: All work and no play makes Maria a dull girl

Maria Sharapova is still in Arizona rehabilitating the balky shoulder that forced her out of the Olympics and US Open.

But don't think it's all work and no play for the Russian fashionista. In fact, here's proof she's made the best of a bad situation: watch Shrieka ski on water! watch her eat and pose!! watch her bust out the strange mime dance from her wacky European vacation with BFF Camilla Belle!!!

Oh, good times Shrieka...good times.

(image via


  1. You know, cuz waterskiiing won't hurt your shoulder AT ALL.

  2. she does have her priorities now - posing, eating, miming...

  3. Wakebaoarding?? thats the worst thing you can do to your shoulder.

    Whoever are Maria physical coaches are getting paid for giving her bad advice.

  4. yeah and her physio never saw the tears in her rotator cuff in april so she may need to rework her team or something uvijek

  5. who knew that rehab and summer camp were the same thing??

  6. "who knew that rehab and summer camp were the same thing??"

    ...or rehab and the set of some teenage hacker flick...


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