Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) PHOTO OP: The Folsom Street Fair has a stall with Ivanovic's name on it

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

(UPDATED) PHOTO OP: The Folsom Street Fair has a stall with Ivanovic's name on it

"How can I make some cash off this thang?"

Ana Ivanovic + The Fist Pumps (think Gladys Knight and the...well, you get it) were in a winning mood last night. The former top lady baller defeated current nemesis Alisa Kleybanova 6-3, 6-2 in her opening match at Stanford. NaturAna had lost the last two matches to the Russian, including at Roland Garros in May.

For some reason, the Serb was looking something close to stunning yesterday - maybe it's the slightly longer locks, the lighting, the actual smile on her mug or a new found belief in her game. Who knows (edit: blame this.) But the FPF was in full effect, per the usual, and I guess it actually stood for something this time around.

NaturAna should count herself lucky that she's in Stanford and not in San Francisco. I'd hate for her to wander into the Folsom Street Fair while in FPF mode (yes, I imagine she fist pumps while shopping, sight seeing, and using the loo - "Fist pump, Ajde!, Flush...")

The boys, ladies and "ladies" would put her talent to good use. Well, good for some and TERRIFYING for others. Like me. Icks. No, seriously - ICKS.

UPDATE: NaturAna made her first remarks about the whole Montreal/Wildcard brouhardyha (via Rogers Cup FB):
“Montreal was the first big tournament that I won and it was a special place for me and I do feel a little hurt and dis...appointed by their decision and it’s hard, but I have to prove otherwise and play well,” she said.

“When I need a wildcard I see how low is my ranking and that’s the hard part. But even though my ranking is quite low I feel I’m playing better than that, I just have to go out and prove it. Other players went through that like Agassi going back to playing Challengers, so you have to stay tough and not feel sorry for yourself.”
I love that she made the Agassi comparison as did I when I wrote about it. Yes, it's a sport (and her job) in the end and there's no room for feeling self-pity. Maybe it's me but I can't imagine going to my boss and getting upset because I wasn't given a project I wanted or my favor wasn't granted.

Like the champs always say, that great win or moment was in the past and today is a new day with new challenges. Right the ship, NaturAna, and all will be well.

[Photo(s): Getty Images] 

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  1. It's really difficult to find a bad photo of her. Good for her win.

  2. Headline. is. priceless.

    Don't ever change! ;-)

  3. @cp: True and truer.

    @skivvy: holy shit balls! where have you been these days?! nice to see you in the Peanut Gallery. Next: TWITTER.


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