Google Down the Line!: Radek Stepanek + Nicole Vaidisova caught together on video, relationship rumors grow

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Radek Stepanek + Nicole Vaidisova caught together on video, relationship rumors grow

I spy: It's good to know there are nosey people with video cameras in the world - they make our jobs so much easier. We stumbled upon images of the rumored relationship between Czech mates Radek Stepanek and Nicole Vaidisova in action. Though this is certainly not full-proof evidence that they're together, the Czechs look very comfortable and friendly in this exchange.

These still images were taken from this video - nice work spy!



  1. they are so together! i know for a fact that these two were bunking with eachother on their recent trip to sydney ;)

    what is it with radek? there are so many better looking men on the tour.

  2. tell!

    email us if it's better:


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