Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Take it down a notch USTA - you won't be forgotten (no worries)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: Take it down a notch USTA - you won't be forgotten (no worries)

Geez. The Wimbledon winners haven't even danced their dance at the annual Champion's Dinner yet and the USTA is already pimping out the 2009 Olympus US Open Series and the US Open with viral videos entitled "It Must Be Love". Slow down Tonto!

Defending champs Roger Federer + Serena Williams along with sister Venus, Dinara Safina, and Andy Roddick are all featured in their own spot blabbering about something or another including chocolate, BFF dogs, and Fed discussing - uh - Fed. I know, shocker.

But where's Nole's vid? Tennis' video vixen has the chops (and niplets) - you're missing out USTA.


(via USOPEN)


  1. I love the Serena one with the Barbie dolls, and really love the chocolate cake. :)

    I am curious as to where the world's number one is...??

  2. Maybe they're releasing them in stages or something? It would be weird for him not to have one.

  3. Maybe they couldn't use Rafa's because NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND HIM WHEN HE TALKS.

    And about Roger - I don't know about y'all but if I was the best tennis player on the planet, I'd be talkin' about myself nonstop too. Actually, wait - I do know about y'all and you'd each be doing the same damn thing.

  4. I always laugh my head off when the women are in these commercials since none of them bother to play in the series.

    I now know the difference between the top players and us fans. We choose the chocolate.

    I love Venus's dog. Frankly I thought her understanding friend was going to be Serena or her fiance.

  5. He wants to pretend shyness but he's totally enjoying the topic. I'm sure he keeps a record of his nicknames, only the nice ones of course.

    Dinara is a cutie. Chocolate love like Rafa :D

  6. Nole = video vixen... LOVE IT. (Rich, you're fab for connecting the words 'vixen' and 'Nole' in my head) He's so adorable. Dinara was definitely my fave in all of this, she's so sweet.

  7. I definitely need to see the Rafa and Nole ones!
    Nole the video vixen (LOL) will probably be hillarious!

  8. The commercials are "eh".


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