Google Down the Line!: Letter to DtL readers: Spring has sprung in NYC, posting a slow go

Friday, April 17, 2009

Letter to DtL readers: Spring has sprung in NYC, posting a slow go

Hey y'all,

Posting will be slow for the next couple of days. Two reasons:

It's the first real spring day in NYC (read = breaking 70 degrees finally!) so I must be outside and I must grab a hit.

2. Kalil's BFF is getting married tomorrow (read = lots o' celebratory eating and drinking).

If there's any kind of big breaking news, I'll most likely tweet it so check me out over there.

Happy Friday!!!



  1. Wohoo! Have a great time and a lovely weekend. Apparently it's going to be nice here in Brighton, UK as well...
    Enjoy the sun!

  2. Copy, 10-4 : )

  3. Have a great weekend! It's in the 80s down here! OH, reports Andy and Brooklyn were married tonight (Friday night). You weren't secretly talking about going to this wedding were you, Rich? =D

  4. OMG you're right it was such a beautiful Saturday !! I'm visiting NYC during the french vacation and I'm so lucky to have this weather ! The day at Central Park today was just perfect. Enjoy your week-end !

  5. Upgrade to pro today brah

  6. I hope you're enjoying it! It didn't last long here...

    A photo for you:


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