Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Stick it to Rafa's belly - which would you choose?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

PHOTO OP: Stick it to Rafa's belly - which would you choose?

Rafael Nadal was spotted again with the Spanish Armada preparing for their Davis Cup tie versus Serbia in Benidorm, Spain.

Now THIS is the kind of practice I could get into, though I'm not sure which offer I'd take first.

*ponders deeply*

(images via nadal news)


  1. AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmRafa!!!!


  2. *convulses with johanne*
    *tries to lick screen*
    *convulses more*

    Rich, you did it again. Now i have to go teach with an erection.
    *puts notebook in front of yoga shorts*

  3. This is really too much...

  4. *applies for Spanish citizenship*
    *joins Davis Cup Team*

    OH MY, RAFA. Lifted shirt PLUS phallic symbol? Too. Much. o_O

  5. Western or Continental grip?

  6. The boy is so unselfconscious. He's natural and spontaneous, no matter if there are cameras or not. Just look at his face while lifting his shirt - as if he's all alone in his room.

    With him, one has a weird feeling of always peeping-toming.

  7. Two words: Magically delicious

  8. I will take him in the first pic...but the second is definitely nice.


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