Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Zvonareva drops trou (and then some)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

PHOTO OP: Zvonareva drops trou (and then some)

Following Serena Williams's + Esther Vergeer's naked footsteps, most of Vera Zvonareva is appearing in the latest installment of ESPN the Magazine "The Body Issue". I'm a little surprised to see her flashing her half moon since, to me, she's the intellectual one of the bunch. But there's more than meets the eye (especially here) with Bepa. Just look at her game. How else do you explain reaching two major finals and the second spot in the world rankings with a game, while solid, isn't brutally powerful, sexy or flashy?

Well, I guess a girl needs to get it out somehow. Cheek-y.

[Photo(s) credit: ESPN magazine]


  1. I have to say, for a beautiful woman, this is a very unflattering pic. Is this all they could come up with? Nice pic, but she is prettier than that!


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