Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Murray up to his old (and really new) tricks again

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

VIDEO VAULT: Murray up to his old (and really new) tricks again

Andy Murray busts out his bag of tricks in this promo spot for HEAD.

Now if only Muzz could pull these out in a Grand Slam final. His opponent would be dust.

Ah, well. Reality bites.

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  1. Andy makes some of the best spots, doesn't he? (I loved that one where the guy was eating a sandwich playing him!)
    What a shame he can't seem to get his $hit together. He really would make a marketable slam champion.

  2. AWESOME!!! I love you Andy!

  3. His personality really comes across in these videos. Now if only that would translate off the screen.

    Muzz used to let it out more on court - where, like his game, did it go?


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