Google Down the Line!: Isnut: The longest match in history...ain't over yet

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Isnut: The longest match in history...ain't over yet

The word 'epic' is used all over the place like a cheap, eh, suit but John Isner + Nicolas Mahut have set the standard for its use in tennis. Their first round match at Wimbledon, which began on Tuesday and was held over until today because of darkness, was suspended once again because of fading light with the score at 59-59 in the decider.

It's already the longest match in tennis history at 10 hours but the 7 hour, 6 minute fifth set alone was enough to break the old record of 6 hours, 33 minutes set at the 2004 French Open. The on-court scoreboard (above) even broke down while the online Slam Tracker reset itself to 0-0 once the score hit 50-50.

Seriously, I can't believe a match at Wimby that has stretched over 3 days has nothing to do with rain. WTH?

So what was it like watching every minute of this battle of attrition live on TV? Well, I can only compare the experience to what it's like staring at a JJ outfit: I desperately wanted to look away but I kept being drawn back to the insanity of it all.

Now I need to see the ending. I must see the ending. Nothing will be complete in my tennis life until this thing ends.

[Photo(s): Getty Images]

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  1. Isn't this borderline dangerous? Especially for someone as tall as John? I don't know but watching how pooped those two looked I was getting scared.

  2. Whoever wins, I give a standing ovation to both of them. This is incredible. It's sad that one of them has to lose, I wish there could be a tie, because they both deserve to win.

  3. Isner looked past his end point while Mahut was seemed amazingly fresh and energized though, strangely, he was the one who wanted to stop play.

    In any case, kudos to both for the tremendous mental fortitude and physical stamina it took to get this far. It boggles my mind that this match is a FIRST ROUNDER. Unbelievable.

    Like meli said, it's a shame someone has to lose. Can't they give a Week 1 title???

  4. it is true, the word 'epic' was invented for this game. This kind of game is what makes sport exciting and i can't wait to watch again today.


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