Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Rossie caught with his pants off

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

PHOTO OP: Rossie caught with his pants off

Okay - what the HELL is going on in Montreal? It's like a drunken frat party gone absolutely right.

The Bryan Brothers ran into a pantless Ross Hutchins in their hotel lobby today, snapped and then tweeted this photo.

So first Nole flashes his bikini line and now Rossie is caught running around in his boxer briefs. The BryBros said the Brit lost a bet (most likely to Team Muzz - did I say "thank you" yet?) but I'm thinking there's also something sneaky in the water and both ballers drank it. I say pass that shite around the locker room boys - cheers!

Whatever it may be doesn't change this fact: I need to book a ticket to Montreal and pack my zoom lens. Stat.

(image via bryanbros)


  1. Hey Rich!
    Montreal is known for their clubs and night life, so I guess the players are in the atmosphere here and are (thankfully) playing (haha) their part right! :D

  2. Ross should go commando!

  3. i spoke with ross today about it, he said he just felt like wearing those shorts out to dinner lol... sure ross!


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