Google Down the Line!: FASHION FIX: Incredible, edible Rafa now comes in sorbet

Friday, May 22, 2009

FASHION FIX: Incredible, edible Rafa now comes in sorbet

Rafael Nadal will be working the pink option of the Nike Summer Bold Open Polo that I previewed and the grey + pink Air Max Courtballistec 1.3 as he goes for a record fifth consecutive Roland Garros crown.

And the Mallorcan Matador loves this pink moment so much he opted for a pink backdrop on his website:

Wow - first we get a giant, chocolate Rafa and now we get RafaSorbet. Yums.

*licks chops*

(image via


  1. he looks like a giant BAZOOKA yumm
    i wouldn't mind chewing

  2. As bothered as I am by pink...he doesn't look bad in that (form-fitting) shade of it. I rather like the yellow and gray, too.

    As for his website, thank God I don't ever go there. That pink would make me spew and ruin my screen.

    *goes back to licking Rafa's chops with Richie*

  3. Oy, is he hot stuff or what?
    I love the way he looks in pink! Love the new outfit! *drools*

  4. Pretty in pink!
    I usually hate men wearing too much and too bright color, but Rafa makes it look incredibly sexxxy!
    Me likey!

    btw. now that Shrieka is back, any news on what she will wear? They already announced the Tiffany's bling, but no word on her dres...

  5. lol I feel like I'm the only one who has loved ALL of his 2009 wear. It's fun and different and bright, and why not? He has the sunny disposition. And yet he's just as menacing in lemon, lime, or raspberry sorbet! :D Love it (and not just because I'm biased I swear.)

  6. maja: I've been snooping around the forums, including Shrieka's, and tennis retailer sites and nothing yet. Anyone?

    b2012: Ditto!

  7. Roger will look hotter.

  8. Anon 2:36, Roger would look anything really! anyone know wht he's wearing? :)
    and wht about the others...seems lately its being kept really quiet.

    barcelona2012....I've noticed Rafa's clothing this year too...and its damnnn good. I loved his shorts for AO and so far this year his clothes have rocked the courts!!

  9. anon 2:54 - here's the preview I did during IW which includes his RG duds.

    But I now think instead of the color polo I mentioned he'll be wearing this option:

  10. Rafa will look great on court with that outfit. I'm sure.

    Fed, boring has usual.

  11. Interesting. I wonder what the Preppy Princess will say!
    And Fed will look dazzling as always.

  12. Hey Rich, thanks for the links to Roger's RG clothes! :D

  13. I like the combination with the yellow bandana! I think it's really cool that Rafa stands out wearing a colour like this :)

  14. Why is there blue on the shorts and bandana? It just doesn't match

  15. The original Spanish matador's outfit: blue & black trousers and jacket, black shoes, pink socks, and a large pink & yellow cape for taunting a bull.

    Nike has been doing their homework in researching and adapting tradition to those vibrant Rafa outfits.

  16. I really love the sorbet colours, and men (or here: Rafa) wearing pink... ah, FLOVE it.

    But I think it's a weird choice for clay - pink on that orange dirt makes my eyes hurt. LOL

  17. ok I commented before, and thought Rafa's duds looked great, and different....but watching him play against the brighhtt red clay courts...he looks like pepto bismol...tht pink colour really looks like that! :\


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