Nothing like a little controversy to cap an evening, huh?
After Novak Djokovic's defeat of Andy Roddick in the US Open quarterfinals last night, the Serb made reference to the comments A-Rod made about his recent injury woes to USA's Michael Barkan.
Let's just say the New York crowd wasn't feeling Nole last night:
Yikes! But, alas, the drama was short-lived. Both ballers discussed the incident in their post-match pressers and seemed to suggest all will be okay.
According to Nole,
Andy made a statement ‑‑ I don't think it was intentional, okay. He made a joke and it was a misunderstanding, so I don't blame it on him. Okay. I did react on the court. Maybe I reacted. Maybe I exaggerated and reacted bad in that moment. No, I apologize if I reacted like that.When asked if he has spoken to A-Rod, Nole responded, "Yes, but this is just between us."
But this was just impulsive, you know. I had a lot of emotions in last two days. It's not nice when you get that from media all around the world and from players, and I never needed to make any excuses in the press.
I just didn't need ‑‑ because I know that what I'm doing is right, that I have all the rights to take the medical timeout, that I'm doing it just for the purpose to make my physical condition better and just that I continue playing better. I never made medical timeout because I wanted to distract the player, the opponent, or, you know, make the result look worse, you know. And I just never did it. I didn't pay attention when I took the medical timeout. I just didn't care about it.
Medical timeout is there because physiotherapist are there and doctors are there to help you out. This is what I did. I just took the medicals to help me out. Maybe the people think that I'm exaggerating with these things, but it's just ‑‑ it's nothing bad, nothing negative, because I just ‑‑ I twist my ankle, I feel bad, you know. I get the pain in the back. I just want to make it right, you know.
Andy was always nice to me when I got to the tour, so this was just a clear misunderstanding.

The American baller had this to say about the incident,
Well, I mean, listen, here's the deal: I mean, if you guys haven't ever seen me joke in a press conference, I'd be shocked, okay? I think you guys know it was completely meant in jest.And when asked if the two had spoken about the comments, A-Rod said,
Listen, I had four questions from each one, I had eight questions about all the other ones. Finally after 12 questions I decided to make light of the situation and it actually stopped after that. Or it screwed me up and you guys got me out of it. I'm willing to talk about it. I don't know if, you know ‑‑ he took it as seriously. I figure if you're going to joke and imitate other people and do the whole deal, then you should take it.
Listen, if someone makes fun of me I'm most likely going to laugh. If I'm over the line I'm going to come in here and say I was ridiculous. And I was wrong. I've been the worst of it in the past. By no means am I sitting here trying to be holier than thou or anything like that. But I promise you that if somebody makes a joke about it I'll probably laugh. I'm sorry he took it that way. There's nothing else to say.
I don't think I was over the line. It wasn't my intention, and, you know, I'm sorry he felt that way. Maybe I did him a favor tonight.
Anything that's going to be said between Novak and I is going to stay between Novak and I because I'm not going to air out private conversations in front of you guys, because I just don't feel like that's necessary.A-Rod was obviously joking and Nole was being overly sensitive. Listen, if you're gonna dish it, you better be able to take it. But I guess there's nothing like a little fire to burn up a Grand Slam tourney!
In any case, it's good to know they can be professional and move on from something like this.
Let's hope they can get back to this moment again. Can't we all just get along? *sniffle, sniffle*
(images via Getty)
I can't stand Nole or his phantom injuries/illnesses which only seems to pop up when he's not playing well.
First, the match. Roddick blew it when he didn't try to break Nole at 5-3. At 5-4, Nole had his confidence back, & Andy was no longer living or playing in the moment. Andy was thinking ahead to set 5.
ReplyDeleteAs for the comments afterwards, why was it a shock that Djokovic is a poor sport? Doesn't everyone know that by now?
The media took Roddick's joking comments and used them as a cover to discuss a more serious issue, Djok's real or imagined injuries. An athlete was used by the media as an excuse. Big surprise.
It should be a real fun match between Djokovic and Federer, though. I can't wait to see how the crowd reacts.
Truly, I can't understand why Nole should be all hurt and angry when he goes around and imitates people at his leisure and never keeps his mouth shut...I think it's real good A-Rod gave him a dose of his own medicine
ReplyDeleteI try so hard to like Djoko, but he acts so moronic the task is impossible. Whatever he had to say about Andy's comments belongs in the pressers. That's no way to act in front of tennis fans in one of the most celebrated tourney of the year. He should just smile and thank everybody, no matter how he feels about Andy or the boo-ing or anything else.
ReplyDeleteTake a lesson from Delpo and Murray. They're younger than both Andy and Djoko but in an intense match following their clash in Rome they behaved like mature adults, said very nice things to each other on the net, and went home with head held high. Murray even told the press Delpo apologized at the net (which he didn't have to do) and he congratulated Delpo in return. Delpo cried in the his own presser (because he lost more than anything else) but he walked away with no less dignity. Sore loser he is not. If that is not mutual respect between players I don't know what is.
Sorry to rant.
This wasn't nice behavior of the crowd at the stadium. Nole won, they could at least respect that.
ReplyDeleteAgree with Babz.....BABZ for president!! : )
ReplyDeleteThis was unfortunate all the way around. What I find hypocritical is that Novak's impressions are deemed to be offensive, yet Andy's brand of humor is okay? That seems wrong somehow. I guess it's one of those things where someone will always be offended somewhere.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, it was an unfortunate, uncomfortable way for a good victory to end. He can be assured that the crowd will definitely be on Federer's side now...
As Novak himself said, all a misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it if hadn't been for Robredo's whiny comments then he wouldn't have taken it the wrong way. Plus it was the wrong time for Roddick to say something, and even though I know he meant it as a joke, I find it hard to understand his sense of humour.
As for the crowd, they are extremely fickle, and I find it disgusting that they booed him off - if he hadn't beaten RODDICK or any other american I doubt they would have done that, even with the comments.
lana--the crowd did respect him until he started mouthing off at them and being a djack ass. i'm so sick of fakervic and his parents who look like the fate of the world rests on every point. i think that his parents' intensity and lack of tact is impacting novak, who seems like he could be a better sport if he had the right influence. but he still has to take responsibility for his words.
ReplyDeleteI believe it was a joke from Roddick without ill will, but making a joke out of someone faking an injury!!! Not cool at all.
ReplyDeleteNot the same as goofing around on account of ball bouncing, or imitating other players. Novak makes a living out of tennis and is suffering severe attacks on his integrioty and reputation on account of his physical difficulties. Thats very, very sad, and I'm glad he battled this adversitiy and showed his honesty and mental fortitude - something that cheates and fakes do not have the strnght to do.
He is known to have a chronic heavy condition with his lungs (they are too small apparently since he didnt develop his thorax properly on account of having severe nasal deviation in his youth).
Andy made a bad joke and it came back straight in his face cause Novak is too proud to swallow it just like that. It was clear on his face he meant business and was not happy his health issue is something he is attacked upon ultimately.
However, Novak did over-react as well. He probably felt overly sensitive and made a slight fool out of himself.
Good thing they made-up, they two of my favorite players.
I severely dislike Novak Djokobitch. At a time when the top two players in the world are the epitome af class and fighting spirit he goes on court and behaves like a classless ass. He was clearly being overly sensitive and like Rich said if you're going to dish it, take it. So what if the fans booed him, he shouldn't have responded like that; he came off looking like a capricious child. All he did was piss the fans off even more.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't take a joke then don't dish it out, I agree with Roddick. Novak should have played that smarter and aired his grievances with Roddick in private and not lash out at the crowd about it, that was very immature of him. Novak has made his life more difficult for himself, the crowd will boo him to kingdom come. - sheila
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but leave the off court drama exactly there---OFF COURT!! so you are gonna bash roddick on his home turf??? how stupid and unprofessional...
ReplyDeleteOK maybe it would've been smarter of Nole not to say anything at all there.
ReplyDeleteBut still, the instant booing was a little harsh of the crowd. At first he just said "Andy said I have 16 injuries, and I obviously don't." - which is only true, and they all began booing right away because of that?!
Anyway, I guess Nole got a little carried away there, being someone who always speaks his mind. And it must be irritating being booed. LOL
But it is correct: If you're gonna dish it out, you gotta take it as well.
I'm sure they'll work it out. They're probably never gonna be best buds, but I guess that's just because they're too much alike. They both like to be the center of attention, entertaining everyone. Their competition sort of was taken to another level there.
NOLE NOLE NOLE! if the crowd was acting very bad. ugly american bitches. running around in the hole world and killing people is the only thing USA is good at. KOSOVO IS THE HEART OF SERBIA / SWEDEN !
ReplyDeletethe* crowd i mean