Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: It's Maria's party...and she can get blasted if she wants to (now)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PHOTO OP: It's Maria's party...and she can get blasted if she wants to (now)

Maria "Shriek"apova's NYC birthday tour ended with a big bash thrown by sponsor Tag Heuer at Tenjune. Celebrity guests included Michelle Trachtenberg and Dave Annable of ABC's Brothers & Sisters, along with designers Vera Wang, Doo.Ri, Brian Wolk and Claude Morais of Ruffian, and the original bang-er Vogue editrix Anna Wintour.

Like any newly-minted 21-year old global celebrity athlete Maria danced, drank, and shrunk everyone in her presence.

UPDATE: Check out Tennis Week's look inside the party featuring interviews with Maria and fashion friend Vera Wang.

(images via


  1. She is quite the giant.

  2. A serious giant. If all of those straight guys who lust after her actually stood next to her, their dicks would shrivel up and fall off.

  3. I hope she's using a Powershot camera in that last picture...

  4. i hope so too - especially if she got it for free. never look a gift horse, or camera, in the mouth people!


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