Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Henman dodges protesters during Olympic torch relay

Monday, April 7, 2008

PHOTO OP: Henman dodges protesters during Olympic torch relay

Retired tennis baller Tim Henman participated in the controversial Olympic torch relay this past Sunday in London, where some of the crowd protesting against China's human rights records attempted to grab and extinguish the flame.

In his typically understated English manner Tim, who had to be surrounded by security, told the Associated Press,

"There was definitely a bit of an edge."
Yeah - having throngs of angry, pissed-off protesters lunging at you while trying to keep a toothy smile on your face would make for a pretty edgy afternoon, and then some. Ya think?

(image via Getty)


  1. Aww, Tim Henman! Wimbledon won't be the same this year. =[

    Is it just me or does he look to have gained a bit of weight in that picture?

  2. retirement fat - he earned (all of) it!

  3. Henman looks fine.


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