Google Down the Line!: THE LOW DOWN: Maria and Novak hang out, romance rumors grow

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

THE LOW DOWN: Maria and Novak hang out, romance rumors grow

Budding romance: Major New York gossip mongers Page Six and Rush & Molly have both reported today on the growing romance between Maria "Shriek"apova and Novak Djokovic. Though the sexy Serb was quoted as saying they were "just friends" after Maria was spotted in his player's box at the US Open final, the two were seen getting cozy and hitting the town together later that evening.

Page Six is reporting that the two tennis hotties showed up together at Wakiya in the Gramercy Park Hotel after the US Open final, though they mostly missed the opening night party. Afterwards, according to both rags, the couple headed to to Unik's karaoke party at Downtown Cipriani, site of the recent Legends Ball. The song the couple chose to perform together? "Love Is in the Air."

Hmmm - I guess coming in second place wasn't so bad for Nole...

(images courtesy of AP Photo, Viewimages)


  1. How are gay rumors about Nole supposed to start now?

  2. that's wishful thinking on all of our parts, unfortunately...

  3. she found smthng she does not posess in him- mental stabillity , and he is cute . . so .. .they may practice and make love . .. .:)
    even Yurij would allow that romance , since both are christians , slovens . .and he is great spirit and player .. . she may just have benefit of that romance , . . .they are both the same age . .so i think there might be smth interesting out of it for shore . . .
    aren't they great cute couple , both millionaires and same religion . .


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