Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) PHOTO OP: Sveta *smile* spam

Thursday, February 4, 2010

(UPDATED) PHOTO OP: Sveta *smile* spam

"OK, who cut it?"

Svetlana Kuznetsova was cuttin' it up big time during a presser in Belgrade for this weekend's FED CUP tie versus Serbia. Doesn't it kinda make you wish you were there? I'm cracking up just looking at her crack up.

Anyway, it's good to see Sveta so relaxed, and her laugh and smile are infectious even through these pics. Now if she could only be this relaxed on court...

"It was you."

"Y'all think it was me?"

"BUSTED - I cut it! BWAHAHAHA!!"

[Photo(s): Reuters]

UPDATE: After some JJ-style drama the Serb has decided to play this tie over the weekend. Thanks vw!

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  1. JJ is in Serbia to compete in FED cup against Russia.

  2. Glad JJ is playing, even though I don't like her. It at least gives Serbia a chance. But I hope it's Ana who puts Serbia over the top. She really needs the wins and confidence boost.


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