Google Down the Line!: Letter to DtL readers: Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Letter to DtL readers: Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I won't be posting tomorrow so I thought I'd drop you a friendly note today...

To those of you out there planning to get your scare on in celebration of Halloween on Saturday please have a safe and happy one.

Oh, and if you happen to be out on your Big Wheel and two creepy twins ask if you can play with them, for the love of SexGawd say "HELL NO!"


  1. Oh, this is classic, you picked a good one! We just watched this last weekend.

    And may you have a wonderful weekend too Rich!

  2. Happy Halloweenie to you, too, Richie!

    I'm going to a fab partay with 2 gay boys dressed as cops, me in handcuffs and a tight, white t-shirt with prop syringes (strategically placed, so all the boys who want to cop a feel can do so legitimately) as a "Drug Bust."
    But I'm also bringing my racquet, neon bicycle shorts and *weave* in honor of Andre! ;)

    But if I run into twins? I'm going for it, 'coz I got double-teamed in college and it was FUN!!! ;)

  3. Thanks tp!

    natch: ROFL OMG you are going to kill it on Halloween. Well, not black widow style hopefully. Oh, we'd have a blast. Have fun with the gaybies - and if you get double-teamed I want ALL the deets: the good, the bad, and the really dirty. *blows kiss*

  4. Hee, hee, I ran into thees tweens (tongue twister for Contessa ;) once and I swear they ees shape shifters. Have fun and safe Halloween, too, Richie! Don't eat too many candies while trick and treating, Richie!



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