Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Rafa's match point moments

Friday, March 20, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: Rafa's match point moments

I'll be going out of town this weekend attending to my non-tennis life (yeah, it actually exists.) Regular posting will return next Tuesday.

In the meantime, here's a video sent to me by Johanne that highlights the five match points Rafael Nadal saved during his fourth round defeat of David Nalbandian at Indian Wells. Check it out if you missed it.

Enjoy the rest of the tourney!!!



  1. I saw the match and im ashamed because i really thought Rafa would lose... but he is soooooooooooooooo MAGIC!!! EXTRAORDINARY!

  2. Sam, don't be ashamed. A lot of people make that mistake, including Nalbandian. This was an instant classic as it is demonstrative of "mental strength" really means.

  3. Absolutely right, Pam. Never, EVER think Rafael Nadal can't do the impossible. As if I needed another reason to love him, he goes and saves FIVE match points and wins the third set at love! This was SO worth staying up until 5 AM! This is how demons should be conquered. Vamos Rafa! And have a wonderful weekend, Rich!

  4. One of the most brilliant comebacks I've seen. Vamos Rafa!!!!

  5. Those morons blathering about Nalbandian choking should watch and rewatch this video.

    On all 5 match points that Nalby had he made absolutely not one mistake - all were won by Rafa. The first by 1-2 serve & FH. The second and third by unreturnable body serves. The fourth by a winner painting the line. The fifth by a winner into the open court.

    So, there was no choking there, only great Rafa play. And his even greater cool under pressure.

  6. I think that a lot of the calls for Nalbandian 'choking' were on his own serve. In the later games of the second set one can probably count on one hand the number of first serves that Nalbadian placed inside the box. I believe, over the whole match, he served only about %50 on his first serve. I don't mean to take away from Nadal's iron balls as displayed above, but to highlight, not only Nadal inner strength, but the intimidation he places on his opponent. This is what has lifted him well above Federer in the last 16 months, and exactly what is read through the match stats of the recent AO final where Federer at nearly the same poor percentage as Nalbandian.

  7. Wait, non-tennis life exists? Where? Oh I totally meant me there... lol

    We miss you!!! Hope you're bringing some sunshine back from wherever you have been. :)


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