Google Down the Line!: Bethanie launches website, keeps hair big and fashion bad

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bethanie launches website, keeps hair big and fashion bad

Bethanie Mattek just launched a new website featuring all the usual stuff we've come to expect from B (read: bad hair, worse fashion).

It's good to see her back on court too after getting married and dealing with injury. However, I'm not loving the red/orange/copper crap dye job at all - icks - though it's not quite a hairy situation yet.

But with B I've come to learn to expect the worse but prepare for hilarity. It's just a matter of time.

(via Great Tennis Photos, images via, getty)


  1. She wore a similiarly misguided beehive cum french twist for her wedding.

    But her misguided fashion choices are just a part of her allure!

    I really do hope that she continues to ride the wave of success she had last year.

  2. I had to take a second look on the first picture to realize that she holds a racquet not a chain saw. She should get smaller roles in Tarantino slash films.

  3. She looks like Vanilla Ice in the top pic.

  4. OMG, thank you Tennis Observer, I really though she does hold chain saw!It's a racquet??How does she finds people who actually follow her ideas and excute them?Mistery.
    That woman is delusional, I just want to keep my eyes off of her.
    It's kinda hilarious and sad people know her for being a tennis clown, and like .... just that.
    No more Bethanie, please.

  5. We often cite the lack of "personality" in the sport. She's definitely carved her own niche. As tacky and loud as it is, she's got personality.

  6. allison: OMG ROFL!!!!!!!! So spot on with Vanilla Ice. So good.

    tessa: I like her - not her style - but the fact that she goes out there and is herself, the good bad and ugly. And, she can play some ball - she's pretty good in doubs and made some waves in singles last year before she fell off.

    pamela: AGREED.


    I just saw her monster truck on the tour's website.

    I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. Rich help me out!

  8. sara: I did all that and more (read: *vomit*) after running through her web pages. All in a day's work I say.

  9. Her official web presence is kinda... um... disturbing. LOL

    It's like you visit the site of a rockstar.

    She's a total glamour wannabe, but I have to agree with Rich and Pamela: at least she's herself and doesn't care about other people's opinions. Kudos!

  10. Another thing: I CANNOT believe she's only 23. She looks around 30 to me, seriously.

  11. I know, for some reason she doesn't look 23-years old here, though sometimes she looks like she's younger than 23 when she busts out some of those awful outfits.

    I'm thinking more about that Wimbledon outfit with the shorty shorts and the knee socks - she could've been 10.

  12. Yeah it's weird, she's like a chameleon...

    In her wedding pictures she looks much older than she is - all wrinkly-eyed and whatnot.


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