Google Down the Line!: SEPARATED AT BIRTH: Kimmie vs. Spencer

Thursday, March 19, 2009

SEPARATED AT BIRTH: Kimmie vs. Spencer

Me thinks Kim Clijsters is a dead ringer for the most recent contestant to be voted off Survivor: Tocantins-The Brazilian Highlands, 19-year old Spencer Duhm.

Separated at birth or a spot on drag queen impression by Spence? DO TELL!

PS - thanks Aaron!

(images via TENNIS,


  1. I can see the resemblance, but the guy is cute AND hot!She's Not!

    I am a dude by the way

  2. How about Gilles Simon and Robert Pattinson?

  3. Spence looks like he has a little Lleyton in him (I think it's the eyes)...hey, Kim's had a little Lleyton in her too! ;)

  4. anon: no worries - i'm a dude too...usually. depends on the day i suppose.

    fedex: ya think???? i was actually just reading his interview in GQ. he's kinda dreamy. i though sneaky simon looked more like joaquin phoenix pre-rapper phase.

    johanne: ROFL!!! i love all of DtL's most pervish readers. *smiles*

  5. Hello, this is so random but I'm actually a reporter where Spencer Duhm is from. I've interviewed him, including the night he was voted off. I think the comparison is a bit much. But there are many people with look-alikes. Oh, he's actually 20. He was 19 when the show aired!

  6. Johanne I totally see the Hewitt in him. If Lleyton and Kim were old and had been together 20 years ago this would make for a very interesting developement.

  7. Sara: LOL yes that would be very curious indeed!

  8. Simon is much cuter than Pattison. I don't like that crooked nose of his. And Gilly looks more like Joaquin Phoenix when he was sane (although Simon is much, much hotter).

  9. Could it be Spencer's what Kimmie + Lleyton's baby would've looked like had they stayed together?

  10. Separated at birth: Kim & Princess Fiona (from Shrek). I'm trying to mean but just sayin'...

  11. ^oops. Meant to say "I'm not trying to be mean but just sayin'..."


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