Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) Rafa LIVE CHAT: Did anyone get through? Anyone??

Thursday, February 5, 2009

(UPDATED) Rafa LIVE CHAT: Did anyone get through? Anyone??

I've heard from a few readers today (more like annoyed readers) who attempted to get into the Babolat-sponsored LIVE CHAT with Rafael Nadal and were unable to get through. Some even tried to stop by early and were told it was at capacity already.

Is there anyone out there who made it into the chat with the Mallorcan Matador? Let us know!

And for those of you who didn't (myself included), feel free to leave your uncensored thoughts in the comments section.

*still wearing very pissed-off face*

UPDATE: Click here for LIVE CHAT transcript in case you missed it (and no doubt most of you did. Boo.)

UPDATE #2: Thanks to Meri again for sending over Part 2 of the the Matador shooting a TV ad most likely for Banesto. We get suited up Rafa, casual clad in jeans Rafa, and I'm-about-to-bust-out-laughing-I-swear Rafa. CHECK IT -


  1. Yeah I most certainly DID NOT get through. I've had a shit couple of days and this was going to cheer me up, even if it was just for an hour. Well now that's gone to hell.

    *def still wearing very pissed-off face too. But not at Rafa. At Babolat*

  2. didn't get through :(
    hopefully there's a transcript lol

  3. Did. not. get. through.

    Those Babolat people should be saving for a proper server, huh??

    Hoping for a transcript, too.

    *joins the pissed-off faces*

  4. Seee? I said, I SAID they'd need a sodding powerful server for this.

    I am muy disappointed, to say the least.

  5. I didn't get through either. Is it possible that Babolat underestimated the amount of interest such an event would generate?

  6. I got through eventually! I can post a transcript if you'd like, but it really wasn't very interesting. Didn't even sound like Rafa was really answering and there were not really 'live photos' or video (just about 5 ever repeating pictures of him laughing).

    The questions were terrible. They've all been asked before. The only new thing I found out was that he likes Dragon Ball (looool) and carries the DVDs around with him.

  7. I caught the first two questions on the non-live feed, but it stopped refreshing after that. The site has posted the highlights, but even that is hard to get to right now.

    The questions I caught were something like:
    What do you think your best qualities are?
    Rafa: I don't know really, I don't usually talk about myself

    and, How many hours do you spend practicing?
    Rafa: In the pre-season 7-8 hours a day, and during tournaments, when am not playing a game that day, twice a day.

    That wasn't word for word but it's all i remember.

  8. I got on it. It was crap though he only answered the questions he has already answered 10 million times before.

  9. I'm reading the chat and for those who didn't get in you don't worry he answered the same questions he always gets favorite food, what he does on his free time, rackets, practice time and a lot I love you Rafa. The only interesting thing is that he likes Dragonball and the cute live camera shots. So if you had any dirty questions he wasn't even going to get it there was a moderator. The chat was really crap.

  10. the whole thing was real disappointment. 90% people couldn't get in. once who got in after 40 min of clicking "refresh" button couldn't ask question. question were lame, waste of time for both, the fans and Rafa (if he even was there)

  11. Thanks for the info you guys! Why do they even bother letting fans ask questions if they keep picking the same ones over and over again??

    You'd also think the fans online would already know the things answered and wouldn't need to ask for them anyway...

    Oh well.

  12. Didn't get through either. Transcript is on his website but that sure doesn't seem like an hour's worth of questions.

  13. Commiserations all, even those who got in!! Rafa is just waaaaaay too popular and Babolat should have known their server would crash unless they upped the anty significantly. Oh well. It's still fun to read thru the q's, even tho most are stuff I totally already know!! Maybe us Rafanatics should publish a book "Things We Already Know About Rafa and The Things We Want to Know About Rafa." Who wants to help me?? :)

  14. Johanne - you know I'm so in, if only because of a sense of obligation - but you know it's more than that!

  15. Babzies: obvies ;)

    It has got to be so annoying for Rafa (even with as nice and as gracious as he is) that he has to explain himself over and over again. If I have to hear one more time that he didn't have any idols growing up or that he probably would have been a football player if he wasn't a tennis player, I am going to punch somebody in the face.

  16. Yes I'm all for a pop-up book...can you imagine the fun?

  17. quotes from Oz Open
    Nadia Petrova explains that she doesn’t know how Sara Errani plays.

    “I've never felt her balls.”


  18. quotes from Oz Open
    Nadia Petrova explains that she doesn’t know how Sara Errani plays.

    “I've never felt her balls.”


  19. Alrighty then, aranczi.

    Back to Rafa. First and foremost, THANK YOU, Rich and Meri for the goodies. natch likey. *smacks lips*
    The only thing about the transcript I like was the chick who said, "My mom and I like watching you." Yeah, I know why your mom does, little girl.
    On to the vid. Whoever got to run his or her(I couldn't tell) fingers through his hair? Probably orgasmed on the spot.

  20. I really wanted to get on and ask if he'd consider posing for a gay mag, like Feli Lopez did recently. Tragically, no joy, and I couldn't even log on. All the questions he got asked are so generic, it seems like the Babolat moderator let only the mildest and least exciting ones through. BOO.

  21. GOD he's HOT!!! Rafa in jeans just really really really does it for me...those thighs that ASS. Si! Si! Si! :D

  22. Oh, Louise. There you are again with your ssssssssssmokin' hot avatar. Le mew...le purrrrrrrrrr...

    jo, sorry you've had it bad this week. Maybe some tea tree oil and an evening with just you and Rafathoughts will help soothe you.

  23. LOL Johanne, I'm in. It should be required reading for everyone pre-slam, or at least at everyone at Times UK and apparently Babolat.

  24. Yeah same here johanne, hope at least the videos made your week a little better!

    I'm sure his PR person, Benito, looked over the questions to make sure they were boring and uninteresting.

    And how is it a "live chat" if some of the questions are what they called "pre-registered".

    That's total BS. *yawns loudly*

  25. that's what I was thinking too - pre-registered? I didn't see where to do that.

    "I'm sure his PR person, Benito, looked over the questions to make sure they were boring and uninteresting."

    *dies* So true. Honestly, he needs a vacation and to let us just go do his job for a wee bit.

  26. *raises hand*
    Oh! OH! I volunteer to be Rafa's new PR chick. All questions below the waist welcome. All "favorite _______" questions will be banished for life. In between my duties, I will pass on photos, phone numbers, and take photos of us, I mean him, showering.

  27. Thanks all for the good wishes! This site (and let's be honest, all Rafasites) have helped me take my mind off other matters, so please keep up the great posts Rich, and the hilarious commentary, Rafanatics. You guys are the best!

    natch: An evening with Rafathoughts does more than just soothe me, let me tell you ;)

    b2012: We're totally on the same page. Rafa has blogged for the Times before, I know he likes shrimp and fish and cookies & cream ice cream. What I DON'T know is his favorite position...let's go, people! Get with the program!

    RiCH: I'm sure Benito also wanted to make sure there was plenty of time for non-questions as well. Such as "Thanks for answering my question, Rafa!" LOL Now I just sound bitter. Whatever you love it! ;)

  28. YAY! I nominate natch for PR chick of the year!

    *gets a bigger monitor for upcoming good photos*

  29. The video just makes me go PURRRRR..... Love how they did his hair - it looks so full of volume and shiny and.... wanna run my fingers through it, dammit!!

    And his half-smiles just make me go wild, seriously.

    On the transcript: You guys are SO right, we need to get ourselves organized and have a book of interesting questions published! I'm SO in!

    Plus, I think it's really time my dead-boring assistant job finally pays off and someone'll hire me as Rafa's PA.

    "Senor Nadal, may I assist you with the... pants?"

  30. And Johanne, hope the Rafanatics can cheer you up a bit! :-)))

  31. Guys chat worked fine to me...First it said the chat is overloaded, then i just refreshed the window and it worked great... I think Rafa was answering Q himself, he wasn't typing it tho too good for his English... it must have been Benito again. And yey all the same Q and several boring must-answer Babolat questions. Btw wot was that comment by moderator "check ur mails u will receive sth from babolat soon?"

  32. Sonja, Rafa clearly needs some personal assistance in his pants. Obviously by this I mean bespoke underwear, which would need to be measure accurately... everywhere! Repeatedly.

  33. Babolat obviously couldn't cope with the demand and IMHO they should have done the LiveChat in Spanish if they wanted to get interesting original questions. It never ceases to amaze me how banal and trivial the questions put by English speakers on his Times Online blog/Q&A site are compared to the lengthy interesting ones Spanish readers ask him about his tennis, life and opinions at the parallel ELMUNDO blog/Q&A site. :)

  34. manfred: Questions in English = questions from around the globe! It doesn't matter how well the person asking speaks/writes English, if they can manage to put some words together, they'll do it! There are ridiculous amounts of grammar errors and weird putting of words together and it's obvious to me that person does not speak English very well, but they can get through to Rafa this way. So it does not surprise me in the least that any Spanish interviews are going to be 10 times more interesting. It's just the nature of the beast.

  35. Louise, that sounds like the right job for me! I could offer other jobs to him as well though, you know... LOL


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