Google Down the Line!: MEDIA MASHUP: Rafa shoots TV spot in Palma, posts final blog from Oz

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

MEDIA MASHUP: Rafa shoots TV spot in Palma, posts final blog from Oz

Thanks to DtL reader (and def rabid Rafanatic) Meri again for a new behind-the-scenes video featuring Rafael Nadal!

A day after getting mobbed at the airport, the world's top baller was spotted back in Palma shooting a TV spot. I'm not sure what it's for or what the newscaster is saying here (feel free to add translation in the comments section) but does it really matter?

Rafa looks great and def in a relaxed, happy mood.

Ah, to be 22-years old, loaded, and on top of the (tennis) world.

*hides face from Starbucks patrons, cries into backpack*

BONUS: The Aussie Open champ posted one last blog for The Times after his big win on Sunday. Here it is in case you missed it:

HI everyone, I am writing this last blog from the Australian Open. I say from the Oz Open and not Melbourne since I am writing it on the plane on my way back home. There are many questions that you can ask me and most of them have been answered at the press conference. I just want to say a few more things... First that I didn't have that much time to celebrate. Let me explain why:

I got to the hotel at around 3.30 am. The work doesn't finish on court with the prize giving ceremony... After that a lot of things are still happening: TV interviews, Anti-Doping Control, press conference, more TV interviews, radio interviews, live interviews with some radios in Spain and finally back to the locker room to celebrate with my team. We had some sparkling wine there and we celebrated a bit. We also brought in the Spanish media reps tha travelled all the way to Melbourne and stayed there these weeks with us.

As I say I got back to hotel at around 3.30am and I know that Benito, my PR guy, had a party ready at a local club. We thought about going but I had something to eat and had to do massage or I would have been really tired. So we decided to stay in the room. It as around 4.30am and anyway the club was closed then. So we stayed and watched some football on TV. There was nothing we could do. It was too late!!! We ate and simply stayed there.

I had to wake up pretty early since had to do more press. The Spanish media came to the hotel and I talked to them. Also to Neil Harman from this newspaper. Then the official photo with the trophy that you have probably seen in the paper. Then more one on ones. After that we went back to the hotel and had lunch at my favorite restaurant. We ate Japanese and then went back to the room to get all the luggage ready. Lots of bags, lots of them. Got to the airport and here I am. I am getting back home after 30 hours traveling...

Anyway, it has been an amazing tournament. I am very, very happy as you can all imagine and I am also happy I have now 2/3 days at home before going to Rotterdam to my next tournament. I didn't play well there last year and I would love to do well.

Thanks all for reading this blog, for all your questions, for all your support and for following this. I also have a great time although I missed a couple of blogs... Apologies for that.

Bye and thanks.


  1. Aw, Rafa with the kiddies. Adorable.

    How come you changed a word? This is how it's supposed to read:

    "After that a lot of things are still happening: TV interviews, Anti-Doping Control, press conference, more TV interviews, radio interviews, live interviews with some radios in Spain and finally back to the locker room to celebrate with my Rafanatics."

  2. natch: and what about him in dem jeans?! from the back no less?? ay yay yay.

    oh yes - the word change. well you know i figured he was using code again "team" = "strip playstation with rafanatics"

    he's consistent in every way, no?

  3. Oh, I lost part of my memory after I fainted from looking at him in dem jeans. Also, I was perplexed by how any person in that room kept their hands off him.

    *waves from massage chair*

  4. imagining him saying "Anti-Doping Control" is cracking me up, soo Rafa :P

  5. I'm pretty sure the advert is for Banesto. They show a bit of an older Banesto advert and the clapboard says Banesto on it.

  6. Def agree he looks happy and relaxed. LOVE.

  7. Ooohhh...agree with you about those legs clad in denim... How I wish I was that stylist lady that seems to be allowed to fiddle with his clothes and stroke him anywhere... Will dream about that at work ALL day now...mmm... Is this healthy?!?!?!

  8. "Ah, to be 22-years old, loaded, and on top of the (tennis) world.

    *hides face from Starbucks patrons, cries into backpack*"

    So. Hysterical.

    And Rafa has yet again reached new levels of adorableness. He's too beautiful. Is there a police for that??

  9. As if we'd ever catch you with a backpack! Really??

    1.I really have to learn spanish.
    2.Dem jeans are scorching.
    3. sonja - yes, there's a police for that. they're called the rafanatics.

    "I'm sorry sir, we might have to arrest you on charges of being too cute and so bloody appealing.. unless you give each one of us a lapdance."

  10. *hides face from Starbucks patrons, cries into backpack*

    Those sneaky patrons couldn't just abuse a famous blogger, could they?

  11. HA! I should just bust out my m-urse instead of a backpack next time.

    And I thought the police were needed for the Rafanatics. Can you imagine if he hired security not knowing they were in fact Rafanatics???

    "Yes Mr. Nadal, you're safely back to your hotel room and we just checked the room and it's alL clear. Now, STRIP!"

  12. MWAAHAHAHAA screw the clothes-aligning-lady job, I'm applying for the Rafapolice!!

    I really think I'd looking sexy in a dark blue uniform with aviator shades. *nods*

    And the thought of him doing a lapdance... PURRRRRR.


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