Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Ana wants to be Miss Queensland 2009 and has the evening gown to prove it

Saturday, January 3, 2009

PHOTO OP: Ana wants to be Miss Queensland 2009 and has the evening gown to prove it

Ana Ivanovic, who's been in Queensland training and tanning for the upcoming season, was spotted either preparing for the evening gown competition of some Aussie beauty pageant or for a Brisbane International photo call.

Love the hair, hope you win Ana.

(image via Getty)


  1. Oh Rich you're so right. Her whole look is very pageant from the gown to the hair. Eek. Whoever the stylist is should be fired. Maria S. would never be caught looking like this.

  2. Ana is so pretty and has such a pretty and feminine figure yet she comes out looking fat sometimes. WTF?

    All natural Ana looks much better than glammed up Ana. If only her people realized that.


  3. I agree with Joan but in the picture of Ana on the tour's website home she looks really nice.

  4. ^ yeah, that pic of her on the tour's website is looking FANTASTIC.

  5. LOL on the miss queensland comment. ana is a lovely girl and is much prettier in random shots (not all dolled up). her photos for l'equipe sport&style (maybe because it's a conde nast publication, the same guys who publish vogue and vanity fair) and for rolex are still the best all-glammed up pics of her.


  6. She looks like a giant Barbie doll there. LOL


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