Google Down the Line!: Quote of the Day: Uncle Toni on Rafa

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quote of the Day: Uncle Toni on Rafa

I try always to explain to him, things that happen in life, everything has a positive and a negative. When you shoot a gun, it give you a kick in the shoulder, right? Same thing. There’s more pressure when you’re at the top, so that’s the kick back from being no. 1. A lot of people have it worse than him, they have to work much harder than him, for less, and they do it.

- Uncle Toni on the pressures of being in Rafa's position

Who's the zen master now Babs?

(image via


  1. Uncle Toni should do something about the butt picking. Maybe a good, old-fashioned spanking?

  2. If only the tennis world were full of Uncle Toni's.

  3. >>Maybe a good, old-fashioned spanking?<<

    Ooooo...can I watch?

  4. OK someone's REALLY obsessed with the butt picking here... (no wonder though with Rafa's heavenly ass)

    But hey, I can do the spanking!!

  5. Uncle Toni FTW :D

    Not zen, more like voice of reason I think.

    But.. If we spank.. It's gonna itch and tickle and he's gonna touch it all the more.

  6. Uhm. I just realized... is that line referring to me?

    "Who's the zen master now Babs?"

  7. babz: why of course doesn't everything? LOL! No Barbara Streisand - she made that famous "zen master" quote during the US Open when she was doing Agassi. She was, like, THE cougar back in the day.

  8. Babs did Agassi? You just gave me hope. Gimme another 15 years, Rich. You'll never have seen a cougar like me. XD

    Ok I'm totally joking!


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