Google Down the Line!: (UPDATED) A-Rod splits with coach John, may need head shrinker now

Thursday, August 28, 2008

(UPDATED) A-Rod splits with coach John, may need head shrinker now

Andy Roddick and his coach, brother John Roddick, have officially ended their professional relationship.

After his first round win over Fabrice Santoro, the former US Open champ told the press,

We just met in Washington afterwards, and, you know, I think John's, he's been feeling the effects of the road for a little while. When we first got together, it was temporary, you know. And he was kind of just helping me out and was going to help, and then all of a sudden it's two‑and‑a‑half years later. I think he was spent, and I was struggling, and so it was a very ‑‑ it was an easy conversation, you know. He was just like, "I'm kind of tapped," and it's pretty intense day to day, and I'm pretty intense day to day. It's probably not the easiest.

But he's been here the whole time, and we've been hanging out, so it's not too big of a deal, and we'll always be brothers. It wasn't a long, drawn out, dramatic conversation. It was something he got to before I did.

Patrick McEnroe has temporarily stepped in to fill the role during the US Open.

Why, oh why, can't he stay off the coaching merry-go-round? Obviously, the common denominator here is A-Rod so I'm thinking there's no coach in the world who can fix that problem.

But I bet a sports shrink could...

UPDATE: Check out this recent interview Doug Robson did with Jimmy Connors. They go into some detail about his stint with A-Rod and Jimmy's belief that the tools are there, but the mind may not be willing. Very insightful.

(image via Getty)


  1. Why you gotta go all Freud on the guy? It seems like a perfectly good explanation for the split: what was supposed to be a temporary gig went on for 2.5 years. And now his brother wants to be done. That does not seem like a prescription for a shrink to me.
    As for the common denominator 'logic'... you're referring to the two previous coaching relationships where the other denominators were Connors and Gilbert, right? Come on.

  2. yup - talking about Benhabiles, Gilbert, Goldfine, Connors, that it?

    at this point in his career, it's not the coach + technique that needs to be changed. he needs to change his mental approach and a sports shrink could help in that department.

    why not?

  3. Why is everyone making such a big deal about this? So what is Andy's had a few coaches? John has a family he has to think about. Andy & John's professional relationship was supposed to be temporary & it lasted 2.5 years. Andy is a successful tennis player & he will decide what's next in the coaching department when the US Open is over. There is no need for shrink. Yes, Andy can be a self-doubter at times, but this year he has beaten Djokovic, Nadal & Federer. That in itself was a test of his mental strength & he stepped up & proved his mental strength. Andy will do what is best for him. Just wait & see.


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