Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: La Monf shows Shrieka how it's REALLY done

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: La Monf shows Shrieka how it's REALLY done

Here's a new video by Prince featuring Gael Monfils discussing and pimping out his new EXO3 Rebel stick.

La Monf is seen doing his usual acrobatics around the court while seeming so genuine and natural (not to mention huggable) during the interview as he regurgitates the great benefits of his new racquet.

Are you listening Shrieka? It's possible to be GENUINE and NATURAL while doing your job - you may want to ring up the Frenchie for some lessons.

Just sayin'.


(video via prince)


  1. He is so adorable. And I'm such a sucker for a French accent! Never lose it baby, it's zzexy!

    p.s. Rich - add an "s" to his last name! ;)

  2. Whatever "it" is, that dude has it.
    Oui, oui, La Monf. Oui, oui.

  3. Aaaah, les francais.

    That's all I have to say.


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