Google Down the Line!: TENNIS mag's Tignor feeling moody, hits high mark with "A Thank You and a Good-Bye"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

TENNIS mag's Tignor feeling moody, hits high mark with "A Thank You and a Good-Bye"

Did anyone else catch Steve Tignor's post-US Open article in his Concrete Elbow column at

I know I was pretty critical of his stance on Olympic tennis (something about being whiney, right?) but in most instances I truly appreciate his witty, dead-pan perspective on tennis and its never ending dramas.

In his post entitled "A Thank You and a Good-Bye" Tignor waxes poetically on the two weeks that were the US Open including his fave quote and matches from the fortnight (surprisingly Nole figures in twice), his anxieties after walking the grounds at dusk, getting inspired on his long trips to and from Flushing Meadow Park via the Long Island Railroad and "7" train, and concludes with a moving tribute to the late, great writer David Foster Wallace in which Tignor confides,

From one tennis player and tennis lover to another, I can only offer a sincere thank you, and a sickened good-bye.
It's a haunting, sometimes funny, introspective piece that hints of a sadness bubbling directly beneath the surface of the page.


(image via


  1. I want to know if DFW really died from intentional hanging or from autoerotoasphyxiation.

  2. Really - what would make you ask that natch?


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