Google Down the Line!: FASHION FIX: Lacoste misses with US Open 'loungewear'

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

FASHION FIX: Lacoste misses with US Open 'loungewear'

We believe in comfort on the tennis court. But Lacoste looks to be taking this idea a little too far at the US Open. The latest fashions for their female French players have them dressed more for napping in the player's lounge than battling on the tennis court. And, the polka-dots aren't helping, either.

Exhibit A: Stephanie Cohen-Aloro, Exhibit B: Tatiana Golovin, Exhibit C: Alize Cornet


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1 comment:

  1. Oh, I have to disagree with your assessment. I think this is a BIG HIT. I love the polka-dots. They have struck a nice balance. Especially with all this new space-age complicated tennis gear lately, It's feminine without being too girly. Anyway, It's way more sophisticated than 90% of tennis fashion.


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