Google Down the Line!: QUOTE OF THE DAY: Novak Djokovic

Monday, April 25, 2011

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Novak Djokovic

I now believe I can beat anyone on any surface, although beating Nadal on clay remains a big ask and the biggest challenge of all.

- Novak Djokovic on facing Rafa on clay

I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to see these two go at it. And watching them face off on clay wouldn't be so bad either.

Bring it, boys.

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  1. Haha...I'm definitely nervous about him and Rafa facing off...they had an epic battle a few years ago...Madrid I long as Rafa wins the french I'm good

  2. OMG Madrid was the definition of epic. Nole wasn't the same for a while after that match. Let's hope they save THAT match this year for RG. We may not survive.

  3. Seems like our Nole has figured out his allergy problem.


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