Google Down the Line!: PHOTO OP: Doing it dapper, London-style

Friday, November 19, 2010

PHOTO OP: Doing it dapper, London-style

London is the place to be at the moment, with the engagement heard 'round the world between Prince William + Kate Middleton and, of course, next week's ATP World Tour Finals. Okay, so maybe the newlyweds and that ginormous blue-sapphire engagement ring ice rink will still be hogging all of the attention (and then some) when the first ball is served at the O2 Arena, but we tennis fans can still shower the boys with some love. I mean, look - they got all gussied up and stuff for us (and Prime Minister David Cameron!)

After reviewing the pics from today's media call with the boys, I made a number of very important observations:

1) Bring on the beard, Nole. Just make me drool damn it.

2) Big Berd is a beauty. Still can't find a bad pic of him.

3) Speaking of Berdy, extra style points to the Czech and (gasp!) Muzz for rocking the brown footwear with their suits and bucking the black trend. It's smart, uses contrast to add pop and helps them stand out from the rest.

4) Dear A-Rod: You balding. Bad. Deal, for the love of GAWD (are you listening Rafa?)

More images of the boys doing dapper after the jump - click the headline, y'all.

[Photo(s): AP, Getty Images]
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  1. Great rundown of the event and all the best shots from the photo-ops, a couple of them rather candid. Cheers!

  2. And glad that someone else appreciates Berdych's brown shoes with his suit. Yes, making it .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Quick reminder: ANONYMOUS comments get flagged and don't get published!

  5. Fed always looks sexy in a suit. and as hot as Rafa is, he never looks good dressed up. i guess the suit kills his animal sexiness. he looks best in his sports wear. rest of guys look ok,

  6. "Quick reminder: ANONYMOUS comments get flagged and don't get published!"

    Why is there an anonymous option then??

  7. Always lovely to see athletes in suits. :)
    I don't like Berd's brown shoes, but I love Andy Murray's. wtf?
    Poor Ferru just looks so out of place. He looks like he is waiting for someone to tap him on the shoulder and tell him he isn't supposed to be there.

  8. @ Orysbestos: ...because I unfortunately can't get rid of it. It's a Blogger platform thing. I would if I could.

  9. Aaargh... OK I'm English (not Brit please!) my Dad was as smart as smart (and NOT stuffy, OK) even into his late 70's when he died, so I get some style pointers from him; I'm a girl btw he he. Those trousers... jeez couldn't the ATP get someone to hem them properly... sorry Rich, but brown shoes and dark suits = eurggh (my opinion. David's light grey rocked with his reddish hair colour though...

  10. Roger and Rafa are both thinning on top -- you can't really see it unless you compare their photos now to shots from, say, 2007.

    They're still beautiful, though. :-)

    (Rich, we need your opinion on Rafa's Armani ads! Come back soon!)


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