Google Down the Line!: VIDEO VAULT: Shrieka has CGI hair - and so can you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

VIDEO VAULT: Shrieka has CGI hair - and so can you!

Maria Sharapova is starring in a new commercial for Clear Shampoo as part of the $2.5 million deal she signed earlier this year.

This product must be some strong stuff. It's turned Shrieka's hair into liquid gold and did something funny to her voice.


Thanks Maja!


  1. Re:voice
    Russian commercials try to appear imported (and, for the most part, they are), so they always come with a translated Russian narration by a voice actor, even when the face of the ad can speak Russian. Just a local quirk.

  2. Yeah it's the same over here... they never let Claudia Schiffer speak German in her L'Oréal commercials for whatever reason.

    Nevertheless, Masha looks STUNNING.

  3. *Throws shade* Why didn't they use Sveta? I love Maria, but doesn't she have enough loot?

  4. Because Sveta is not that well known, obviously.

  5. her hair seems sooooo fake wow, and playing in the front of mirrors....have we not seen that done (better) before?


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