Google Down the Line!: SIGHTING: RoKa attend Lenny Kravitz concert in Madrid, Mirka mammies (almost) overrunneth

Monday, May 18, 2009

SIGHTING: RoKa attend Lenny Kravitz concert in Madrid, Mirka mammies (almost) overrunneth

Roger Federer, who grabbed some much needed confidence and momentum after upsetting Rafael Nadal for the Madrid title yesterday, wife Mirka, and unborn Mango were spotted in the Spanish capital attending a Lenny Kravitz concert during their free time.

Some observations if I may:

1. Fed needs to get new jeans. Stat.

2. Ditto on the sneakers. Double stat.

3. Mirka's mammies already look primed for a Mango feeding. Dayum.

4. Does Fed always have to wear that RF hat? They know who you are. At least he's hoping they do but is prepared if they don't I guess.

5. Crackberry is conspicuously inconspicuous.

4. I'm wondering (more like completely having inappropriate fantasies) if Lenny showed up in THIS outfit for the show. (nsfw)

(via HCFoo)


  1. Every single time they showed her in the crowd she was crackberrying. If she's so bored trade me! The seats, not the husband.

    Those shoes are double fug.

  2. I actually like what he's wearing. I wouldn't mind different shoes though. I think I would like her dress if I could see it completely.

    Was anyone else exceptionally disappointed by the trophies they gave in Madrid?

    Rich, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the PRIVATE shows that Lenny gives not public concerts like this one.

  3. @ Sara, you mean disappointed with the plates? I sure am. I was also disappointed with the whole ceremony. Why on earth make the women wait until the men's match is finished to get their award and paycheck?

    Anyway, I agree, Fed needs a new pair of jeans and time for Mirka to cover up the tig-o-bitties.

  4. I too agree, the ceremony was a big disappointement! The trophies, well weren't trophies! but plates, and having both the male and female champions ceremony together was also not great.

    I don't mind Fed's look, it's a lot diff from the suits, nike gear, etc. so it looks like he's just hanging around :) Mirka on the other hand, is really trying to cover up tht baby bump

  5. Roger looks really relaxed. And Mirka is totally busting out. Dayum was the right word, Rich.
    I ain't a big fan of the hat either. Its sort of redundant in the night ain't it? Or maybe the unimaginable happened and Roger was having a bad hair day? Whatever it is the hats got to go

  6. They are so adorable together. I love them.

  7. I know!! They gave the winners tophies that at the slams are reserved only for second place. Yeah those were definitely cheese platters.

    When they released the confetti, I'm pretty sure that Roger and Dinara thought that they were under attack.

  8. I actually like Fed's outfit - sans the ridiculous hat, that is.

    The sneakers kinda remind me of those tennisball ones Nike's made recently.

    Mirka's boobs are SCARY.

    And now, back to staring at Lenny naked... o_O

  9. dude, Roger looks totally hot

  10. Yeah those trophies were HORRID. It's like they took a serving set from the cafeteria and decided they would make good trophies. Why even bother giving sipping cups to the runner-ups?

    Rafa + Wozzi looked embarrassed even holding them.

  11. At least Wozzie's bowl had some decorative 'crown-ish' edge whereas Rafa's was just simply a bowl. He was basically hiding it behind his butt the whole time. How sad...

  12. Ho ho ho Merry early Christmas Roger!It was hard to wrap the present for Mirka though:)))
    Dayum indeed!

  13. Mango and Roger will fight for those giant udders!

  14. I think he wears the hat so he doesn't forget who he is. Mirka looks adorable, though. But Lenny beats the hell outta both of them...DAYAM!

  15. Mirka has a fine set of tah-tah's. And she is never shy about showing them. I've rarely seen a pic of her without cleavage. I keep imagining Fed, climbing into bed and just burying his face in them.

    ~ drifts off to have inappropriate thoughts ~

  16. I thought she was "into" fashion and I honestly can't figure this out. Either someone told Mirka that pregnant breasts are fabulous and should be shown off (IMHO wrong), or if she just hasn't gotten around to getting the proper bra to deal with them.

    It's possible to look like something other than a beached whale during pregnancy, Mirka! Don't give up!

    Roger, I have to say, looks totally hot (with a demurrer for the hat).

  17. Is it me or is the woman walking alongside them look conspicuously like Vera Wang?

  18. Roger needs to look lazy sometimes. They went to hear that song that says:
    "...American Woman stay away from me...!"

  19. She's in flats cause her feet are all swollen, for the love of God. And Roger and Dinara SO jumped out of their skin when the confetti came out. Crazy funny on video.

  20. That baby is going to be so happy when he is born. Look at those mammaries. No wonder Roger is smiling these days. He gets to rest his head on those wonderful pillows of supplements - LOL

  21. dude, dont you know anything about men's fashion?or maybe fag fashion is your expertise hence the diss?maybe its you who needed an!

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